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MUFFET DOES NOT REALLY BELIEVE IN FRISK SHE WANTS TO KILL FRISK AT ALL COSTS NOBODY WAS THINKING THAT HE HAD POISON FOR YOU AND THAT SHE WAS GOING TO GIVE HER SOUL TO ASGOREFRISK: (COUGH) THANKS MUFFET (COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH) YOU HAVE THIS (COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH) YOU (COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH) IS THAT THIS VERY (COUGH)(COUGH) )(COUGH)(COUGH) BUE (COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH) NO (COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH)(COUGH)FRISK WITH THAT TEA PASSES OUT BUT SOMEONE RUNS TO HELP FRISK BUT WHO IS THIS ENTITY THAT IS HELPING FRISK AFTER THAT MUFFET TAKES FRISK TO HIS BASEFrisk found herself trapped in Muffet's web, struggling to free herself as the spider slowly closed in to capture her. At that moment, Mettaton appeared on the scene, making a dramatic entrance.Mettaton: Oh dear, what a complicated situation! But fear not, the brightest star in all of the Underground is here to save you.Frisk: (relieved) Mettaton! Good thing you came, I was trapped in this web.Mettaton: (dramatically) Oh, but you weren't just caught in a web, my dear. You were also in danger of choking on the spider's saliva. How awful!Muffet: (annoyed) What are you doing here, Mettaton? Do you intend to interfere in my capture?Mettaton: (smiling) Oh my dear Muffet, always so temperamental. I have no intention of interfering with your plans, I'm just here to make sure my friend Frisk is safe.With his great strength, Mettaton managed to break the web that was holding Frisk trapped and helped her to her feet.Frisk: (grateful) Thank you very much, Mettaton. I don't know what I would have done without you.Mettaton: (smiling) No problem, my dear. It's just part of my job as an underground star. Now why don't we go have some tea and chat for a while? I would love to hear more about your adventures in this fascinating place.AFTER THAT METTATON TAKES FRISK TO HIS THEATERFrisk: Hi Mettaton, thanks for saving me from drowning in Muffet's web.Mettaton: Oh, no problem, my sweet. I would never allow a guest of mine to drown like that. But let's talk about more important things, what brings you here?Frisk: I'm trying to get out of this town and cross the barrier to go back home.Mettaton: Oh, I understand. But before you can do that, you need to go through my challenge on my TV show "Mettaton's Showtime." Are you ready to be the star of my show?Frisk: Uh, I'm not sure...Mettaton: Oh come on, don't be afraid. I assure you it will be an exciting experience. Also, the final prize is the key you need to cross the barrier!Frisk: Well, I guess I don't have a choice. Let's do it!Mettaton: That's how you talk! Get ready for a spectacular show, my dear human. Let's start recording!FRISK RUNS OUT OF THE THEATER BUT METTATON REALIZES WHEN HE DOESN'T SEE HERMettaton leads Frisk into his theater with a smile on his face, inviting her to sit on the couch while he himself sits in a chair across from her."Alright my dear audience, I've got a little game for you," Mettaton says, looking directly at Frisk. "But first, I'd like you to answer a few questions for me."Frisk is uncomfortable with the way Mettaton is looking at her, and begins to worry that something is wrong. But she doesn't want to be rude, so she cautiously answers, "Uh, okay, what questions do you have?"Mettaton leans forward, his gaze almost intense. "First, tell me, what do you think of me? Am I great, awesome, magnificent?"Frisk is uncomfortable with the question, but decides to answer honestly, "Well, I think you're very talented and confident."Mettaton smiles broadly. "Perfect! That's the answer I was looking for. Now for the game."Frisk begins to feel more nervous about Mettaton's tone and what he might be planning, but she forces herself to go through with it."What kind of game?" she asks.Mettaton gets up from his chair and walks to center stage. "It's a game where you have to answer questions about me," he says, turning to look at her again. "If you answer correctly, I'll give you a reward. But if you fail... well, we'll have to think of a consequence."Frisk begins to feel more restless, but she doesn't want to offend Mettaton and decides to play. "Okay, I guess I can try."Mettaton smiles again and starts asking her questions about her life and career. Frisk tries hard to answer correctly, but when he makes a mistake, Mettaton turns cold and serious."I'm sorry, Frisk, but that's wrong," he says. "As a punishment, you will have to... hmm, what punishment is appropriate for you."Frisk begins to feel more and more uncomfortable, eventually realizing that Mettaton has tricked her and never intended to give her any real reward. She tries to escape, but the lights go out and she finds herself trapped in the theater with Mettaton.As Frisk tries to escape from the Mettaton theater, the robot transforms into its Mettaton EX form. The room is illuminated with bright lights and electronic music starts playing in the background. Mettaton EX starts doing outlandish dance moves while getting closer to Frisk.Frisk is startled by Mettaton's sudden transformation and runs for the exit, only to find it blocked by security robots. Mettaton EX continues to approach Frisk, speaking in a mellow and seductive tone as he tries to catch her.Frisk tries to dodge Mettaton EX, jumping and running around the room while avoiding his attacks and traps. Finally, he finds a secret exit behind the stage and runs towards it, managing to escape from the theater.As she runs through the streets of Hotland, Frisk notices Mettaton EX following her closely, but eventually manages to mislead him and escape.BUT FRISK GAINED A NEW ENEMYFrisk met Sans on her way, who greeted her with a smile. "Hi Frisk, how are you?" he asked.Frisk replied that she was fine, but Sans noticed that she was tired and offered to take her home. "You can rest there for a while if you want," he said.Frisk hesitated a bit, as he still didn't fully trust Sans, but eventually accepted his offer. Sans led her through Hotland to her home in Snowdin.Once there, Sans offered him a glass of water and suggested that he sit on the sofa to rest a bit. Frisk appreciated her kindness and felt comfortable in Sans' house.However, Frisk couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable being alone with Sans in her house. She knew he was a bit of a mystery and could have ulterior motives.After a few minutes of rest, Frisk got up to leave, thanking Sans for his hospitality. But just as she was about to leave, Sans stopped her and asked if he could ask her a question.Frisk stopped and looked at Sans curiously. "Of course, what's up?" she replied."Why did you leave Toriel's house?" Sans asked. "It's a safe place, and she took great care of you. Why would you risk going out into the outside world?"Frisk hesitated for a moment before answering. "It wasn't easy for me," she said. "But I felt like I had to. I wanted to explore the world and find a way to help all the monsters that are trapped underground."Sans seemed to ponder his words for a moment before nodding. "I understand," he said. "It's admirable to want to help others, but be careful. The outside world can be dangerous."Frisk nodded, grateful for his advice, then said goodbye to Sans before continuing on her journey.Frisk watched as Sans and Papyrus exchanged a tense look. Papyrus seemed upset about something, and Frisk couldn't help but feel a little worried for his skeletal friend.However, before he could say anything, Papyrus pushed Sans' door hard, causing him to stagger. "I'm sick of Undyne! I can't take her anymore!" Papyrus yelled, his voice thick with frustration.Sans sighed and patted Papyrus on the shoulder. "Easy bro. Why don't you come home and we can cook something delicious together?"Papyrus looked uncertain, but then nodded. "Okay, I guess I could do that," he said quietly.Frisk looked at the two skeletons and was relieved that the tension had eased. "I'm glad they've resolved their issues," Frisk said with a smile.Sans turned to Frisk and winked. "Don't worry, Frisk. There's always time to cook and relax at home," he said, before vanishing in a cloud of dust.Frisk stood there, looking at Sans' closed door, feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything that had happened today. But he also felt grateful to have friends like Sans and Papyrus in his life.papayrus: frisk I'll tell you what happenedPapyrus: Undyne! Stop! You can't keep looking for the human like this.Undyne: What do you mean, Papyrus? It is my duty as head of the Royal Guard to capture the human and bring him to Asgore.Papyrus: I know, but you have to find the human in a more peaceful way. They have done nothing wrong and deserve to be treated with respect.Undyne: Respect? They are the key to breaking the barrier and freeing us all from this place! We cannot afford to be soft on them.Papyrus: But if we capture them by force, what's the difference between us and the humans who imprisoned us here in the first place?Undyne: Don't talk to me about that! You don't understand the gravity of the situation.Papyrus: I totally understand, Undyne. But if we continue like this, we will only sink deeper into hatred and violence. We must find another way.Undyne: And what do you suggest, Papyrus?Papyrus: Maybe we could talk to the human. Convince them to help us break the barrier in a peaceful way.Undyne: That's crazy. They would never agree to help us.Papyrus: We'll never know if we don't try. Please, Undyne, let me talk to them. Maybe I can find a peaceful solution to all of this.Undyne: (sighs) It's okay, Papyrus. But if you fail, I will take the necessary measures to capture the human.Papyrus: I know, Undyne. Thank you for understanding.In the conversation, Papyrus tries to convince Undyne that the human must be treated with respect and find a peaceful solution to break the barrier. Although Undyne disagrees with Papyrus, he eventually relents, giving him a chance to talk to the human before taking more extreme measures.Frisk: oh okpapayrus: would you help me train and win undineFrisk: Sure, why not?Frisk found himself in a difficult situation, facing a powerful enemy and not knowing how to escape. Suddenly, the ghostly figure of MK appeared before her."Frisk, you have to escape," MK said urgently."But how?" Frisk asked, looking around for a way out."Listen, there's a secret path behind the waterfall. Go there and you'll find a way out," MK said, pointing towards the waterfall.Frisk nodded, grateful for MK's help. With a quick movement, he slipped out of his enemy's sight and headed for the waterfall. There, he found the secret path and kept running until he finally managed to escape from danger.Frisk had been exploring the Hotland region when, due to a mistake along the way, he ended up falling into a river of burning lava. Desperate and scared, Frisk tried to swim her way out of the lava, but the heat and current were too strong and she began to sink.At that moment, Alphys appeared out of nowhere and saved her from danger. With her ability to transform into a dragon, Alphys dove into the lava and rescued Frisk from certain death.After recovering from the shock, Frisk thanked Alphys for saving his life. Alphys, for her part, was greatly relieved that she had arrived on time, explaining that she had been investigating the source of the lava energy on Hotland when she found it.Frisk was grateful for Alphys' help and together they decided to continue their journey through Hotland to find a way out of there.Frisk was in a daze after being rescued from the lava by Alphys. He looked around, trying to remember what had just happened. Alphys moved closer to him, concerned.Are you okay, Frisk? -asked.Frisk nodded, still a bit dazed.Why did you save me? Frisk asked.Alphys sighed and met his eyes.Frisk, you are the hope of the underground. You are the only human to have fallen here in years, and everyone is counting on you to get out of the underground and make contact with the outside world. Without you, all of us would be doomed to stay here forever.Frisk was overwhelmed by Alphys's words. He hadn't realized that his role was so important to the monsters underground.Then what should I do? Frisk asked.You must keep moving forward, Frisk. You must find a way to reach the surface and bring hope underground. It may be difficult, but I'm sure you can do it. You have the courage and determination to get out of here.Frisk smiled, grateful for Alphys' words of encouragement. He realized that his role was important, and he was determined to do whatever he could to bring hope to the underground.Frisk was talking to Alphys when suddenly there was a loud noise coming from another room. Alphys was startled and very nervous.Frisk: What was that?Alphys: (nervous) I don't know, but it sounds bad.At that moment, Mettaton burst into the room, breaking through one of the lab's walls.Mettaton: Hello, loves! Have you missed me?Alphys: (extremely upset) Mettaton! Why did you do that? Can't you see we've been working on this for weeks?Mettaton: (laughing) Sorry honey, I couldn't help it. I'm too fabulous to follow the rules.Frisk looked at the broken wall and wondered how they were going to fix it. Alphys seemed to be in a panic and Mettaton didn't seem to care about the damage he had caused.Mettaton then decides to leave Alphys' lab out of fear of Frisk, who has become very powerful and can easily defeat monsters. Alphys tries to stop Mettaton, explaining that Frisk is friendly and has no evil intentions, but Mettaton won't listen.Frisk tries to calm Mettaton down and explain that he has no reason to be afraid of him, but Mettaton refuses to listen and runs out of the lab. Alphys is frustrated and sad, as she considered Mettaton as her friend and didn't want him to leave.Frisk tries to comfort Alphys and tells her that she is an incredibly smart person and that she can do amazing things in the future. Alphys feels a little better after hearing this and thanks Frisk for being so nice to her.Frisk was in Alphys' laboratory after being rescued from falling into the lava. Alphys offered to watch the movie Mew Mew 3 with her, but Frisk told her that he didn't like it. Alphys was a little disappointed, but she understood.Alphys then noticed that Mettaton had broken through a wall in the lab and became flustered and agitated. Frisk tried to calm her down, but Mettaton ran away scared.Alphys then apologized to Frisk for her behavior and told him that she needed to leave the lab for a while to do some research. Frisk nodded and left the room, grateful for Alphys's help.In that case, after Alphys tells Frisk that they could revive MK, Frisk might feel confused and sad, knowing that his friend is dead. Alphys might try to comfort him and explain that with his body, they could create some kind of robot or android that would mimic MK's personality and memories, allowing them to have him back somehow.Frisk might be uncomfortable with the idea of ​​using his body in this way, but at the same time might be tempted by the idea of ​​having his friend back. The situation could generate a reflection in Frisk about the value of life and death, as well as the nature of identity and personality.Ultimately, Frisk would have to make a decision as to whether or not he would be willing to offer his body to revive MK, which could have a significant impact on the plot of the story.So Frisk goes to Snowdin stealthily, trying not to be detected by the monsters that patrol the area. Finally, he arrives at Sans and Papyrus' house, where he finds Sans sleeping in a hammock outside the house.Frisk cautiously approaches, trying not to wake him, but suddenly he steps on a dry branch and makes a loud noise. Sans immediately wakes up and gets up, surprised to see Frisk.What are you doing here, human? - asks Sans with a mocking smile.Frisk explains that he is on a mission to save the world from monsters and that he needs the help of Sans and Papyrus. Sans seems intrigued by the story and tells Frisk to wait while he goes to find Papyrus.Shortly after, Papyrus appears at the door of the house, excited to see Frisk. He is also interested in Frisk's mission and decides to help him. Together, Frisk, Sans, and Papyrus prepare to continue their adventure.Frisk manages to sneak into the lab and gets MK's body. He then returns to the lab and hands it over to Alphys so she can revive it. Alphys is a bit nervous at first, but she eventually manages to successfully revive MK.Waking up, MK is shocked to see that he is alive again and grateful to Frisk for bringing him back to life. He is also glad to see Alphys, who helped revive him. Together, the three talk some more about the plan to get out of the underground and the six human souls needed to destroy the barrier.MK also thanks Frisk for moving on without him and for remembering him even after his death. The two friends hug and get emotional, happy to be together again.THEN TEMMIE GIVES FRISK AN ARMORAfter receiving Temmie's armor, MK and Frisk continued on their way to the Underground Core. As they entered the area, they noticed how the temperature gradually began to rise. Finally, they reached Asgore Castle, but before they could enter, they were stopped by Sans.Sans explained to them that his brother, Papyrus, was missing and that he believed something bad had happened. MK and Frisk decided to help Sans find Papyrus, and together they went through the castle looking for clues.Eventually, they found a note stating that Papyrus had been kidnapped by one of Asgore's subordinates. However, they also found out that Asgore was unaware of the situation.MK and Frisk decided to talk to Asgore to inform him about Papyrus' kidnapping. However, upon reaching Asgore's throne, they were met with an unpleasant surprise: Asgore was determined to use the human souls to break the barrier and get out of the underground.MK and Frisk tried to stop Asgore, but were defeated in battle. It was at that moment that Toriel appeared, who had been watching everything from the shadows.Toriel faced Asgore in an epic battle and managed to defeat him. After the fight, Toriel decided to stay in the underground and rule it with Sans.Meanwhile, MK and Frisk decided to explore the underground once more to discover all its secrets and help its inhabitants. With their new armor, they felt more prepared than ever to face any challenge that came their way.As MK and Frisk advance towards Asgore's castle, they are chased by a group of monsters who want to capture Frisk. Among them are some that have been affected by the spread of chaos in the underground, which makes them more aggressive and dangerous.MK and Frisk have to fight to protect themselves and advance towards the castle. As they confront the monsters, Frisk begins to question his decision to move on, knowing that the only way out of the underground is to break the barrier, and that means facing King Asgore.MK tries to cheer Frisk up, reminding him of the importance of his mission and how far they've come together. Eventually, they make it to the castle, but not before sustaining a few bumps and injuries along the way.BUT BEFORE ARRIVING A VOICE TELLS FRISK TO KILL THE MONSTERSAs Frisk passes out from the heat, he starts having a strange argument with Chara in his mind. Chara tries to persuade Frisk to do something evil, but Frisk resists, refusing to go along with Chara's wishes.Chara insists that the only way out of the Underground is through violence and destruction, but Frisk refuses to accept that solution. The argument escalates, and Frisk finds himself caught between his desire to help his friends and his fear of doing something evil.Finally, Frisk wakes up from his blackout, still debating with Chara in his mind about what is the right thing to do. Determined to do the right thing, Frisk continues on his way to Asgore's castle in the Underground Core.Frisk wakes up and realizes that he has lost control of his body. He feels an evil presence in his mind, which he recognizes as Chara. He tries to fight the possession, but it's useless, and Chara starts using Frisk's body to do evil things.Chara controls Frisk so that he tries to push MK into the lava, but in a moment of lucidity, Frisk manages to regain control of his body and prevent tragedy. However, Chara doesn't give up that easily and keeps trying to take control.Frisk is overwhelmed by the internal struggle with Chara and doesn't know what to do. MK encourages him and reminds him that he will always be there for him. Together, they decide to go ahead and face whatever comes their way to Asgore Castle.BUT THEY MEET FLOWEYFlowey explains to Frisk and MK her plan to steal the six human souls and become the new queen of the underground. He tells them that he needs human souls to become a powerful being so he can control the underground and all its inhabitants. In addition, he tells them that he has been watching Frisk and that he knows that he has the ability to reload his last save point, making him immune to their attacks.Frisk and MK realize that Flowey is dangerous and decide to get away from him as soon as possible. However, Flowey warns them that if they get in his way, he won't hesitate to destroy them.As Frisk and MK head towards Asgore's castle, they come across Toriel's house, but upon entering, they discover that she is not there. A feeling of sadness and nostalgia invades them, and Frisk begins to remember all the times that Toriel helped her on her adventure. MK is a bit confused, since he didn't meet Toriel, but he understands that she was important to Frisk.Frisk decides to move on, but promises to visit Toriel's house again one day. Meanwhile, MK tries to cheer her up and reminds her that they still have an important mission to accomplish. Together, they continue on their way to the castle.Once there, they are confronted by the royal guards, but manage to defeat them with the help of MK and his fighting skills. Finally, they reach the throne where Asgore is, who tells them that he needs the six human souls to break the barrier that separates the underground from the outside world.Frisk refuses to let Asgore take the human souls and decides to fight him. Asgore, in an act of desperation, decides to attack Frisk and MK, but at the last moment, he stops and tells them the truth about Toriel's death.It turns out that Toriel died trying to protect the monsters from the attack of the humans who tried to enter the underground. Asgore felt responsible for his death and decided that he must do anything to protect his people, even if it meant sacrificing human souls.Frisk is moved by the story and understands that all the characters she has met in the underground have had their own struggles and problems. Finally, he decides that he can't let Asgore take the human souls, but he can't kill him either.It is then that a mysterious figure appears, introducing himself as the long-lost brother of Sans and Papyrus, named W.D. Gaster. He offers Frisk a solution to settle the conflict once and for all. What decision will Frisk make?As Frisk and MK approach Asgore's castle, they encounter the king of the underground. Asgore, seeing the humans, draws his weapon and begins a battle.Frisk and MK try to talk to Asgore to avoid the fight, but the underground king is determined to take their souls. The fight is intense, but they finally manage to defeat Asgore.However, at the end of the fight, Frisk and MK realize that Asgore was not a villain, but was acting in accordance with underground beliefs and culture. They feel guilty for having to kill him to advance their mission to save the underground.BUT BEFORE TORIEL APPEARS AND TELLS HIMThat's right, Toriel is alive and Alphys revived her the same way she revived MK, but she's still not in full shape. Hearing this, Asgore is relieved and apologizes for what he had done. Frisk and MK are also glad to see Toriel alive and decide to accompany her to recuperate at her home.Meanwhile, Alphys informs them that Flowey has been collecting human souls and is likely waiting for them at the castle. Frisk and MK decide to face him together to stop his plan to become the new queen of the underground.After resting at Toriel's house, Frisk, MK, and Toriel head to the castle. Along the way, they meet Sans, who joins their team and helps them on their mission.Finally, they reach the castle and face Flowey in an epic battle. With teamwork and the help of the friends they've made along the way, Frisk and MK manage to defeat Flowey and save the underground.THEN PAPAYRUS AND ALPHYS APPEAR BUT PAPAYRUS ASKS ALPHYS IF ASGORE WAS CLONEDAlphys replies that no, there is no such technology underground and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to clone someone. Papayrus accepts her answer and is glad to see everyone together.So Undyne shows up and asks Asgore if that's his ex, to which Asgore says yes, that's Toriel. Undyne is surprised and tells Asgore that he never thought they would see each other again, and Asgore tells him that he is glad to see her again too. After a tense moment, they all decide to put the past behind them and come together to stop Flowey from stealing the six human souls and destroying the underground.AFTER SANS APPEARS AND TORIEL RECOGNIZES HIS VOICESans: Hello Tori. I didn't expect to see you here.Toriel: Sans... is that you? Long time no see!Sans: That's right, Tori. How have you been?Toriel: Fine, thanks. But... how come you're here? I did not think you would be interested in the subject of war.Sans: Well, I'm not really. But when I heard that Asgore was gathering human souls, I knew I had to intervene.Toriel: What do you mean?Sans: Let's just say...I have a plan to stop Asgore from getting those souls.Toriel: A plan? What kind of plan?Sans: Sorry, Tori, I can't tell you anything else for now. Just trust me, okay?Toriel: ...Okay, Sans. I trust you.Frisk: What's going on here? What plan?Sans: Oh hello Frisk. Don't worry, everything is under control.Frisk: Really? Because it seems to me that this is getting a little chaotic.Sans: Yes, you're right. I'm afraid I can't explain much more to you right now. But trust me, everything will work out.MK: (mumbles) I hope so...Toriel: Alright, but make sure you keep us posted, okay?Sans: Of course Tori. You'll see that everything will be fine.Asgore, Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, MK and Frisk sit down to talk on the throne of Asgore's castle. Frisk, after hearing about the six human souls, expresses his desire not to want to kill anyone.Everyone present listens to Frisk and expresses their support. Asgore apologizes for his actions in the past and vows to find another solution to the underground crisis.Toriel tearfully hugs Frisk and promises to protect them and MK. Sans pats Frisk on the shoulder and tells him they're doing the right thing. Papyrus offers his help in whatever they need.Undyne, though initially skeptical, eventually accepts Frisk's decision and vows to protect them on their journey. Alphys is relieved that there is no need to kill anyone and promises to help in any way she can.MK, excited, thanks Frisk for not wanting to hurt anyone and promises to be by his side on this adventure.Together, they all decide to work together to find a peaceful solution to the underground problem and free the monsters from their captivity.Flowey catches the others and leaves Frisk alone. Frisk feels lost and doesn't know what to do, but then he remembers that he can save his friends using his determination and love.Frisk begins to move towards Flowey's castle, encountering obstacles along the way. But with the help of the armor Temmie gave him, he manages to get past them and reach the castle.Once inside, Frisk fights off Flowey's minions, but eventually makes it to the throne room where Flowey and his captured friends are being held.Flowey taunts Frisk and tells him that he can never save his friends. But Frisk doesn't give up and uses his determination to free his friends and fight Flowey.The battle is intense, but in the end, Frisk manages to beat Flowey and save all his friends. Together, they decide to build a new and better Underground, where humans and monsters can live in peace and harmony.Frisk becomes a hero to everyone in the Underground, and his friendship with MK, as well as the other characters, grows even stronger.THEN FLOWEY TRIES TO KILL FRISKThe monsters surround Frisk and prepare to defend her from Flowey. At first, it seems that Flowey has the advantage, as he uses his petals to attack monsters from afar. However, Frisk encourages them and reminds them how strong they are together. The monsters unite and attack Flowey with everything they have.Flowey fights back fiercely, but the monsters are determined to protect Frisk. The battle is intense, and it seems that neither side is giving ground. However, the monsters finally manage to defeat Flowey, and he disappears in a flash of light.Frisk and the monsters are glad that they beat Flowey and that they protected Frisk. They hug and celebrate their victory together.THEN FLOWEY ABSORBS THE HUMAN SOULS AND THE MONSTER SOULS BUT BEFORE THEY TELL THEM THEY ARE STUPIDAsriel, who has now absorbed the monster souls and all six human souls, is in his final form and prepares to face Frisk.Frisk, frightened, tries to escape from Asriel, but he pursues her relentlessly. Meanwhile, the other characters try to find a way to stop Asriel and save Frisk.In a moment of desperation, Alphys has an idea: she could use the time machine she built to send Frisk back in time, before Asriel absorbed the souls, to stop him before it was too late.Frisk accepts the idea and Alphys activates the time machine, transporting Frisk back in time. There, Frisk tries to convince Asriel not to go through with his evil plans.After an intense battle, Frisk manages to talk Asriel out of going through with his plans, and together they work to undo what has been done. With the help of the other characters, they manage to return the souls to their original bodies, and peace returns to the underground.

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