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Frisk was exploring Waterfall when suddenly, Sans appeared out of nowhere.Sans: Hi Frisk. How are you?Frisk: (surprised) Hello, Sans. I'm fine thanks. What are you doing here?Sans: I was just hanging around. But look who comes there.Frisk turned to see a tall, thin skeleton approaching. He seemed very excited to meet them.Sans: Frisk, this is my brother Papyrus. Papyrus, this is Frisk, my friend.Papyrus: NYEH HEH HEH! I finally meet the legendary Frisk! I've heard a lot about you!Frisk: (smiles) Hello, Papyrus. Nice to meet you.Papyrus: The pleasure is mine. As Sans' big brother, I know I have a lot to offer you. I could train you in the ways of heroism and justice.Sans: Papyrus, maybe you want to calm down a bit. We don't want to scare our new friend.Papyrus: Oh, sorry, Sans. I got too excited. But seriously, Frisk, you'll be in good hands with me. We can do many puzzles and meals together.Frisk: (chuckling) That sounds great, Papyrus.Sans: Well, I didn't want to interrupt your meeting. I just wanted to introduce you. I have to go. See you guys.Frisk and Papyrus spent the rest of the day together, exploring Waterfall and doing puzzles. Frisk had a lot of fun with his new friend and was grateful to have met him thanks to Sans.AFTER A WHILE I ENTER A CAVE WHERE I HEARD A BLIND MONSTERFrisk: Hello, are you okay?Monster: Oh, who are you? I can not see anything.Frisk: I'm Frisk. Need help?Monster: Yes, I'm lost. I don't know how to get out of here.Frisk: Can I help you find the exit?Monster: Would you really? That would be great.Frisk: Sure, no problem.Frisk offered to guide the blind monster towards the exit. Despite the darkness and difficulties, they managed to move forward together.Monster: Thanks, Frisk. You're very kind. I had never met someone who helped me in this way.Frisk: No problem. I'm glad I could help.Finally, Frisk and the blind monster reached the exit of the caves.Monster: We did it! Thank you very much, Frisk.Frisk: No problem. Take care of yourself.The blind monster waved a grateful goodbye to Frisk as it walked outside. Frisk was happy to have helped someone on his way.AFTER A WHILE FRISK FOUND A TALKING CAT CALLED TEMMIEFrisk was walking through Waterfall when he suddenly ran into a very peculiar talking cat.Frisk: Oh! Hello who are you?Temmy: Hello! I'm Temmie the talking cat.Frisk: Wow! I had never seen a cat that could talk before.Temmie: Yes, I am very special! Would you like to buy something from my Temmie Flakes store?Frisk: Sure, what are Temmie Flakes?Temmie: Those are my favorite cereals. I made them myself and they are very tasty. Do you want to try them?Frisk: Yes, I would love to.Temmy: Great! They cost 1 gold each.Frisk bought some Temmie Flakes and tried them. They were delicious and crisp.Frisk: They're really hot, Temmie.Temmie: I'm glad you like them! If you need more, just come to my store. I'm always here at Waterfall!Frisk: Thank you Temmie! I will definitely be back for more Temmie Flakes.Frisk was walking through the Waterfall area when he suddenly saw Undine at the other end of the room. Frisk knew that Undine was a strong warrior and that she didn't like humans being in her territory.Frisk stopped and tried to remain calm as she watched Undine move toward her with a menacing look in her eyes.Undine: What are you doing here, human? This is my territory and I do not tolerate intruders.Frisk: Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb. I'm just passing through.Undine: That's not enough. Humans have caused a lot of damage in the past and I can't let them get away with it.Undine raised her spear and prepared to attack Frisk. Frisk knew that she had to be quick to avoid getting hurt.Frisk: Wait, Undine! I do not want to fight. I'm just passing through and don't want to cause trouble.Undine: It's too late for that now. You have trespassed on my territory and now you have to face the consequences.Frisk managed to dodge Undine's attacks and ran as fast as he could. Finally, after an intense chase, he managed to escape from Undine and out of Waterfall's territory.Frisk was relieved to escape the risky situation and vowed to be more careful the next time she visited Waterfall.Undine: I wasn't convincedFrisk was walking through Waterfall, thinking about his lost friend, MK. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked up at the sky. Suddenly, a blurry figure materialized in front of her. It was the MK figure, but in ghost form.Frisk: (surprised) MK? It's you?MK: (smiling weakly) Yeah, it's me, Frisk. I surprised you?Frisk: (crying) Yes, you did. How are you here? You are a ghost?MK: (nodding) Yes, I am a ghost. But don't worry, Frisk, I'm fine now.Frisk: (crying louder) But I miss you so much, MK. I don't know how to go on without you.MK: (approaching Frisk) I know, Frisk. I miss you too. But you must remember that I will always be with you in spirit. And I will always be grateful for the moments we shared together.Frisk: (wiping her tears) Yeah, I am too. I will never forget you, MK.MK: (smiling) And I will never forget you, Frisk. But now you must go ahead and live your life. And I'll always be here for you, if you ever need to talk.Frisk: (smiling) Thanks, MK. I will always carry you in my heart.MK: (smiling) I know, Frisk. And I will always be with you.Frisk was walking through Waterfall, enjoying the scenery and the tranquility of the place. Suddenly, she heard a noise behind her and when she turned around she saw Sans, the skeleton, approaching her with an angry expression on his face.Frisk was afraid to see him like this and decided to hide to avoid any possible confrontation. He quickly looked for a place to hide and got behind some rocks, trying not to make noise.Sans passed close to where Frisk was, but he didn't see her. Frisk stayed there, still and silent, waiting for Sans to move away enough to continue on his way.When Sans finally walked away, Frisk came out of his hiding place and continued walking, but he still felt the fear in his body. She promised herself to be more careful in the future to avoid finding herself in similar situations.Papyrus: Hello Frisk! It's great to see you again! Would you like to hear why I want to be the royal guardian?Frisk: Sure, Papyrus! I would love to know.Papyrus: You see, Frisk, the idea of ​​protecting all the citizens of the kingdom seems incredible to me. I've always loved helping people and making them feel good, and I think being the royal guardian would be a great opportunity to do that.Frisk: That sounds very noble, Papyrus. But aren't you worried about the danger that could be in the job of royal guardian?Papyrus: Not quite! I am strong and confident that I can take on any challenge that comes my way! Also, I would be working alongside my big brother, Sans, so I'm sure that together we can handle any situation.Frisk: That's very brave of you, Papyrus. I hope you will have the opportunity to show your bravery and protect all the inhabitants of the kingdom.Papyrus: Thank you Frisk! I'm sure I will!Frisk was about to leave Waterfall when a mysterious figure appeared in front of her. The figure was tall and slender, with a hood covering her face. Frisk stopped short, wondering who it could be."Who are you?" Frisk asked, trying to sound brave.The figure didn't respond, but Frisk could feel it staring at her from behind its hood."Why are you looking at me like that?" Frisk asked, feeling a chill run down her spine.The figure finally spoke, its voice soft and melodious. "I am Onniosan, the guardian of Waterfall," she said. "I've been watching your moves, Frisk. And I must say, I'm impressed by your bravery and determination."Frisk was surprised by the compliment, but didn't get carried away by the praise. "Why are you watching me?" he asked again.Onniosan moved a little closer, causing Frisk to take a step back. "I'm watching because there's something about you that worries me," she said. "Your heart is filled with a determination that can be dangerous if not properly controlled."Frisk felt confused. "What do you mean?""Onniosan reached out his hand and placed it gently on Frisk's chest. "Your heart is strong, but also fragile," she said. "You need to learn to control it if you want to survive in this world."Frisk didn't know what to say. Onniosan was right, her determination sometimes made her act recklessly and that had gotten her into trouble in the past."I'll try," Frisk promised.Onniosan smiled, but Frisk couldn't see his face behind the hood. "That's all I can ask for," she said. "Now move on, Frisk. Your destiny still awaits you."With those words, Onniosan disappeared into nothingness, leaving Frisk alone with her thoughts. Frisk knew that she had to be more careful in the future, and she promised herself that she would be.FRISK ARRIVES IN HOT LAND BUT SEE UNDINEFrisk ran across the bridge towards Hotland, trying to escape Undyne who was in close pursuit. As he progressed, the heat from the volcano became more intense, making the task of escape even more difficult.Finally, Frisk reached the entrance to Hotland, trying to catch his breath as he leaned against the wall of a nearby structure. But before he could recover, he heard Undyne's footsteps getting closer and closer.Frisk went on high alert, prepared for the worst. But then, a mysterious figure appeared in front of her. He was a tall, lean skeleton, wearing a top hat and a sly smile on his face."Who are you?" Frisk asked, not letting her guard down."I am Onniosan," replied the skeleton. "I see you're in trouble. May I help you?"Frisk was a bit taken aback, but in her current state of need, she was willing to take any help she could get. "Yes please," he replied.Onniosan extended a hand and offered to lead Frisk away from Undyne. "Climb on my back," he said. "I'll take you to a safe place."Frisk did so, and Onniosan dove for Hotland, escaping Undyne's sight. Frisk was relieved to be safe at last, though she still wondered who Onniosan really was and what his intentions were.Sans sighed heavily and seemed to calm down a bit. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude to you. It's just that this area is dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt. Also, that scar is a reminder of how dangerous this place is."Frisk noticed the scar on Sans's face and asked curiously, "How did you get hurt?"Sans seemed reluctant to answer, but finally did. "It was Asgore. A long time ago, I fought against him to protect my brother Papyrus. But in the end, I lost and ended up with this scar. That's why I hate Asgore and everyone who follows him."Frisk understood why Sans was so angry and tried to comfort him: "I'm so sorry for what happened to you. But I'm here to help you if you need anything."Sans seemed surprised by Frisk's offer of help and said, "Thank you, human. You're very kind. Maybe you're not so bad after all."Frisk smiled at Sans' comment and felt like he had made a friend in that moment.after a while frisk finds floweyAfter her encounter with Flowey, Frisk decided to walk away from him. Although the little being seemed harmless, Frisk knew that Flowey was actually a dangerous entity capable of manipulating people.So, without thinking twice, Frisk decided to continue on his way, trying to leave Flowey's presence behind. However, deep in his heart, Frisk wondered if he would ever find a way to help Flowey and redeem him from his dark past.Flowey tells Frisk about the six human souls that have fallen into the underground before her and how each of them was captured by Asgore in an attempt to break the barrier that separates the monster world from the human world. He also tells him that the seventh human soul, Frisk's, is what is needed to break the barrier permanently.Frisk is overwhelmed by the responsibility on her shoulders and how much her presence in the underground means to the monsters. However, you also feel a sense of purpose and determination. He decides that he must continue on his way and do everything possible to fulfill his mission to help the monsters get out of the underground.Frisk was walking through the streets of Hotland when he suddenly ran into an elegant spider dressed in purple. It was Muffet, a fearsome spider who controlled the city's traffic with his web.Muffet invited Frisk to his tea stall and offered him a hot cup. As they drank, Frisk asked about the history of monsters, and Muffet told the sad story of Queen Toriel and her son, Asriel."Toriel was the queen of monsters," Muffet began. "She and her husband, King Asgore, had a son named Asriel. The two of them were much loved by all the monsters of the underground.""But one day, a human fell underground," Muffet continued. "That human was very special, he had a great soul. Asriel found him and took him back to the castle, where Toriel took care of him. Over time, the human became very close to the two brothers.""However, one day the human got sick and died," Muffet said sadly. "Asriel was heartbroken, but then found his soul in the ground. Thinking he could bring the human back to life, Asriel took his soul out of the underground.""But the humans attacked him thinking that Asriel had killed the human, and in his attempt to escape, Asriel was mortally wounded," Muffet concluded.Frisk was moved by the story and wondered if he could have done anything to change the story if he had been there at the time. Muffet said goodbye to Frisk, and Frisk continued his journey to King Asgore's castle, reflecting on the story he had just heard.

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