The Beginning

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They say that magic comes from the heart, the mind or even just from the surrounding area that you live in. But from my perspective, magic comes from both the heart as well as the soul. Those two things continue to ring through life even after yours has ended, echoing through the hearts and souls of those whose lives you've touched.

But that first touch starts with your own beginning. Everything that you're life can be, and what you can bring to the lives of others, starts with the family and friends you live with and are influenced by. And with me, that influence was from a crazy woman running from the law.

It was cold, a wave of chill washing over my body, but it faded quickly when I heard someone call out to me.

"Time to wake up..." They called out softly, "It's time to wake up now."

My eyelids were heavy, almost like they were being weighed down by lead. But I had to open them. I opened my eyes to a dark sky, a dark blue but there were slivers of a strange calming color coming through it. There was something cold underneath me, and it was soft and squishy.

I pushed myself up, almost falling back down when I felt something land on my head. Looking up back at the dark sky above me, I saw a small creature standing on my head. It was small creature with dark blue fur with silver markings one being an upside down crescent on their forehead. Their face was small and they had weird appendages that flopped over my eyes just a little.

Their nose twitched and they jumped down off my head and landed in front of me on the cold squishy stuff I was sitting in. The creature was small, but had big white eyes with a black dot in the middle of them. It was... cute.

Just then, I moved again and saw something in my vision. It was something weird. The base was square... or a rectangle with five sticks coming out of it. What was it called again?

"A hand..." I whispered, surprised by my own voice. It as soft and quiet, but kind of broken as well.

I looked back away from my hand and saw another one. I touched one of my hands. It was soft and squishy, but not like the stuff under me. It was.... warm. Was that what this feeling was called? Just then, I saw two more things similar to my hands. They were short with five little things smaller than my... what were they again.... fingers?

No... toes. They were called toes. And those other longer things were called legs and feet. I looked again at myself, the creature hopped onto my legs and nudged my body. A strange sensation filled my body, it made me feel nice and... good. So I picked it up, and it snuggled in my arms. I got a better look at it. It was small, soft and had these weird things hanging from its head.

I stood up, holding the creature in my arms and started walking. While walking, I looked around to see where I was and maybe some kind of sign of where I was going.

Trees. Bushes. Leaves falling. A soft wind hitting my face. The squishy stuff under my feet... the dirt! I knew this place. And I loved this place. But I couldn't figure out how I knew this place. Did I live here or something? Do I go here from time to time? I feel like I've been here before

The questions added up, but the answers didn't come to me. 

After walking for a while, I stopped to catch my breath, the creature in my arms jumped up onto my.... shoulder, was it? I think that's what it's called. It nuzzled its nose on my... cheek, and that warm feeling engulfed me again.

I stayed there for a while, just standing with the strange little creature. I didn't know how long I stood there, just staring into nothing. All of a sudden, I saw something peeking through the darkness. 

I stood straighter and took a closer look at whatever was in front of me in the dark. There was a soft glow coming through. The creature on my shoulder hopped off and then looked back at me. Its... head? It tilted towards the glow.

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