Faux Quest

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I practically raced back to the Owl House with King and Lina running right behind me, I burst through the doors and went up to my room to get ready for the adventure as the Chosen One.

"So, King, Lina, what kind of Chosen One should I be?" I asked.

"Huh? What?" King yawned.

I held up my Azura book, "Should I be full of optimism and goodness, like the good witch Azura? Or should I be a bad girl Chosen One with black nail polish and a mysteriously withdrawn attitude? "I act like I don't care, but I actually do"."

Just then, Eda poked her head in through the door, waving a large blue arm by the bone, "Oh, you guys talking about bad girls? Wait. What's going on?"

"Eda, tell Luz how dumb wizards are." King said.

"Ugh! Wizards are the worst. Never trust a man in casual drapery." Eda said in a disgusted tone.

"You sent us to a wizard client who told Luz that was a "Chosen One"." Lina said almost bored by telling Eda, "Classic lie to get her to do something stupid."

"Wait, wait. Luz?" Eda said and then laughed loudly as she fell to the floor, King joining in on the fun and laughing at me. I looked over at Lina and saw that she was just shaking her head at her mom's antics and laughter.

"He even gave her a map!" King laughed, I hid my head behind my book with my cheeks turning red. When they were done laughing, Eda walked over to me.

"All right, let me see this map." She said and I gave it to her before she unrolled it.

She smirked, "You didn't think this was real, did you?"

"What?" I asked.

"This map is bunk. Lina, you didn't tell her that it was a total fraud?"

"I tried to warn her not to trust the freak, but she didn't listen. And you know how I can literally fall over when a kid has stars in their eyes." Lina answered.

"Good point, she's got a weak spot for starry eyed children." Eda sighed, "But anyway, there's no lake with a Celestial Staff on the Boiling Isles. I would have stolen it ages ago. Maybe given it to Lina as a toy or something."

I looked down sadly, my hopes of an adventure gone in a flash. Eda handed me the map back.

"Ah, don't worry." She said, "Couple more months here and you won't look like such a mark. Lina can help you with that little adjustment." Eda rubbed my head, but I pushed it off.

"Can I have some time alone?" I asked. Eda shrugged and left with King and Lina. When they all left and the door was closed, I looked back down at the map and stroked the withered paper.

"Maybe they were right." I said to myself sliding down against the wall. Suddenly, I noticed something about the paper. In the corner, where the light hit it, the word 'One' illuminated from the paper. I lifted the paper further into the light and even more of the paper lit up with hidden words and a path leading to the Celestial Staff.

"The path will only appear to the worthy." I read off and gasped, "That's why Eda and Lina couldn't see it. But am I really worthy?"

The window above my head opened and the wind blew the map out of my hand then on top of my Azura book which flipped to a picture of Azura holding up her magic staff. It was the perfect sign for me to take the shot.

"I won't know unless I try." I said. I grabbed the map and a sword before I hopped out of the window and ran to the edge of Bonesborough. It was a beautiful sight, the perfect setting for a life changing adventure.

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