The Intruder

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I woke up more tired than normal, so much so that even Dusk seemed to notice my change. I was barely able to get out of bed and get dressed in my normal clothes before I collapsed back onto bed with a heavy sigh. Dusk hopped onto my chest and nuzzled me in the crook of my neck, but all I could do was sigh from my exhaustion.

"It's all right, Dusk. I'll be okay. Guess it's just that time to finally make more." I said and pushed myself to get to my drawer where the glass balls were. I opened up the bag and saw that there were only a few more left, about three to be exact. With a big gulp, I swallowed one of them and prepared to go downstairs to see what was happening.

"Let's go, Dusk. Time to start the day." Dusk nuzzled and chirped at me, my eyes widened.

"It's the afternoon already? Seriously? What did they do for breakfast? Oh, I hope they didn't destroy the kitchen!" My energy came back a little bit and I rushed downstairs to see if anyone was panicking with destruction. But instead, I saw Luz recording King on her phone as he was fighting with a ducky sock.

"And here we have the most fearsome creature in the world, the King of Demons, facing his natural enemy, the ducky sock." Luz said.

King used his claws to tear the sock to rips and shreds, ripping it from his muzzle and stomping it into submission.

"Where are you now, ducky sock?!" He screamed.

"What's going on here?" I chuckled and they both turned to me.

"Lina, you're finally up!" Luz said smiling at me, "What took you so long getting up? You all right?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just... uh..... stayed up too late reading a book on potions that I loved. Stayed up until it was way too dark. Did you guys get breakfast all right? Nothing burned down or broken right?"

"Don't worry, Eda was able to make something for us." King answered, "Her cooking wasn't as good as yours though, but it was edible."

"King, that's rude." I laughed and sat down on the couch.

"So King, why'd you call me here again?" Luz asked.

"Oh, yeah." King climbed up on the table and stood in front of a board covered with a red tarp while Luz continued to film him.

"Human Luz, you've been so obsessed with witchcraft. Prepare yourself for," He grunted and pulled off the tarp, revealing a board covered with pictures and drawings of demons and monsters, "Demons 101."

King put on a tasseled hat and started with the lesson, I even sat up straighter so I could hear because I was always a little curious about other creatures in this world.

"Demons like me are grim tricksters of the twilight, creatures of sulfur and bone."

"And cute little paws." Luz added.

King sighed, "And cute little paws. True. We live only to create chaos and misery. Our only weaknesses are purified water and passive-aggressive comments. Sometimes."

"Aw, you guys are sensitive." Luz cooed.

"Even demons have inner demons."

King ripped off one of the papers and showed off a terrifying creature: The Snaggleback. It was something my mom would threaten to sick on me if I didn't eat all of my dinner. I've never left my plate half empty again, even if I hated vegetables. But then again, I was just a little kid, so it was natural that I hated veggies.

"The most powerful demon of all is the Snaggleback." King introduced, "He is a.."

"Bad boy." Luz interrupted again, tapping away at her phone.

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