Dead boy walking 🔥

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* Yes this is based off of the song from Heathers the musical. This chapter is based on the party scene in the musical/movie heathers so the first part will seem out of place without context and Takas actions will seem off*

He wish he never came. He wish he never accepted the invitation to this stupid party. He wished he didn't trust Junko. He wished he hadn't drank as much as he unknowingly did. At this point, he wished he wasn't born at all.

"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" The angry clack of Junkos heals echoed from the doors of her trashed house to the black concrete driveway, with Takas more polite dress shoes following behind her, winded and wobbling.

"P-please, I'm still dizzy," Taka breathed with half lidded eyes.

Taka had been invited to this huge party with his whole class, which he thought would be a chance to prove who wasn't just a tight ass and could hopefully make a friend. Mondo didn't bother to show up as his weekends were spent sleeping, but of course Taka only realized this after the double doors to this teenage hellhole closed behind him.
Junko and her group of skanks decided it would be funny to prank Hifumi by dressing up a pig-shaped piñata to resemble him, but Taka stopped them and throws the piñata in the pool. Junko was so pissed that Taka ruined the fucking party and in a fit of rage, punch Taka right in the gut. With the help of lots of alcohol and other possible illegal substances he unknowingly consumed, he ended up barfing. A lot. Like a lot.

All over Junko fucking Enoshima.

"DONT ACT ALL INNOCENT YOU SLUT! I INVITED YOUR FAGGOT ASS TO A SENIOR PARTY AND WHATS MY THANKS? I GOT PAID IN PUKE!" Junko screamed, gesturing towards her outfit covered in Takas vomit.

"I-I'm sorry...?"

Junkos voice dropped to a stomach wrenching whisper, sending chills down Takas back.

"I'm going to ruin your life. Since this was a small little oopsy, I won't hurt you physically, but I can make your life hell. Make up lies of course but these gossip hungry teenagers don't give a fuck." Junko backed her face away from Takas for a moment to tap her chin with her long red stiletto nails.

"Hmmm where to start...OH! I KNOW!" She grinned from ear to ear as her eyes filled with passion and despair. "How about that bro of your Mondo? Sure he'd love to open up his phone to find out y'all fuck in the locker room-"

Taka felt even more queasy. From the anxiety or the alcohol no one will know. But he needed to avoid getting in even more trouble. Taka ran towards the bushes not far from the house, but Junko caught up somehow.

"Running away now you little pussy?"

"Junko please I feel si-"

"You scared your boyfwend gonna see you like this?"

"Please get away I'm gonna-"

"Fucking COWAR-"


Taka vomited. He couldn't make it to the bushes. It got all over Junko once again, this time landing in her big luscious hair.
Taka could have sworn her eyes shined red.

"You. Little. Bitch." Junko got all up in Takas face, her enraged siren eyes glaring into his half lidded red ones.

"Junko, you know I meant no harm. I-if you just moved aside like I asked then-"

"You're dead."


"Come Monday, you're dead. Everyone will know what you did. And even some things you'll deny you did that I'll say otherwise. Transfer wherever the hell you want, no one's gonna let you play their reindeer games (heathers line for those who are like wtf does that mean)." Junko backed away and started to strut back to her house. Before shutting the door, she called out to the poor boy by the bushes hunched over.

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