Day 6-Summer Holiday

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Hey y'all, 

Since the summer holidays are sort of close, I thought how about we reflect on it so that hopefully we can have a good enough summer holiday.  

My BIGGEST pet peeves about the summer holidays are two things:

1. Not having a good enough summer holiday: you know that you had a GOOD holiday but you didn't have a great holiday; maybe you didn't: do everything that you set out to do, couldn't resist the temptation of digital devices so you had WAAY too much screen time, you were glued to your screen and refused just about every SINGLE thing a human asks you to in the summer holiday. 

2.  The pressure that your parents or other grown-ups put on you to spend your holiday productively because:

a) you are free 

b) you are a screen addict and "need" to break your addiction 

Sometimes you get lucky and find grown-ups actually URGING you to rest. For example, my English teacher last year, I told her that I was going to study for next year and she said " I think it is a good idea if you rest during the holidays" ( I mean I don't remember what she said word for word but yeah more or less). 

Disclaimer: Now we are getting to the ADIVCE part. So if you want to IMMERSE yourself in pet peeves without solving the situation ( which is a practice that I do not regard highly but people are entitled to their own opinions), then you are welcome to skip over to the QUESTIONS



For the 1st pet peeve: Accept that you won't check off all the items on your list to the T ( practice some self-compassion already!!). However, this DOESN'T mean that you should settle for a mediocre holiday and not stretch yourself. ( Complacency is BAD).

I STRONGLY recommend that you DO not isolate yourself ( I am saying this for your own benefit. Don't go around and act like this is some reverse psychology because it ISN'T)

For the 2nd pet peeve: Follow the advice of the grown-ups that urge you to rest but don't OVERDO it. Overdoing it is just as bad as NOT resting ( yup you heard me correctly although you CAN disagree with me).  Try to do something productive as far as possible. This is how you will succeed. 


Disclaimer: (I have NEVER written SO MANY disclaimers in my life before but MOVING ON):

I am not going to go around saying that I am an EXPERT in this but what I WILL say is that 9 summer holidays qualifies me to give advice.



-What is something your super excited for?- 

Author's answer: the summer holidayyyyyy

What do you think is the BEST way to spend your summer holiday?

Author's answer: 

Spending my time on my devices for half of the day 

doing something fun but ALSO intellectually stimulating ( bingeing Friends ( for example) is fun but NOT intellectually stimulating ( well at least not in my opinion)

Learning new skills

Reading and writing 

Helping people 

                                      Touch typing :( I USED to until became boring AF for me and ANYWAY I type SUPER fast enough like somewhere in the 41-51 range) 

Clearing the clutter 


(I put BOTH reading and writing AND learning new skills in italics to show how much I LOVE them)

and what do you think is the WORST way to spend your summer holiday?

Author's answer: 

spending 3/4's of it studying 

spending TOO MUCH screen time


A/N: Thank you SO MUCH for your time 

I hope you found this chapter helpful 

Good luck with your upcoming exams

and have a better summer than the LAST one:)))

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