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If given the opportunity, what book would you write?

Author's answer: you will see accordingly since I ALREADY write but fine

I REALLY want to write fiction but I am scared I will be a floppy fiction writer and that I am a ZILLION times better at writing  random books

Let's hear from you 

Do you prefer school uniforms or a relaxed dress code?

Author's answer: CONTRARY to popular opinion, I prefer uniforms because I ONLY get to wear one outfit and I MUST wear it so I can't improv. Saves ALOT of time. In addition it's only ONE type of clothing so I know that I will learn in this outfit no matter what ( unless I was sleepy or something). Like the outfit won't hinder the learning process. 

In addition, when I was 11 I was SUPER fascinated with uniforms and I ACTUALLY used to draw students in different uniforms. 

What movie do you wish you could watch again for the first time?

Author's answer: 

Bridge to Terabithia 

My Girl 

Inside Out ( I STILL remember chunks of the movie despite watching it 8 YEARS ago) 

La Maitre de la mort 

The Harry Potter movies 

Boss Baby 

Peter Rabbit

Sid the Science Kid movie 

etc ( cuz I can't rlly think of anything) 


Get the title?


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