Day 11-School

19 3 15

Do teachers like you? 

Author's answer:  Yes, I am kind, curious, dedicated and hardworking

What percentage do you take your studies seriously? 

Author's answer: ig somewhere like 75 or 85% idkk tbhh cuz my motivation to work is so unpredictable and I only have 30% SELF DISCIPLINE

Speaking of self discipline, what % do you have?

What's your least favorite subject at school? 

Author's answer:  P.E It will always be P.E ( Gym is a synonym FYI) 

So much so, that this year whenever we had P.E ( and it isn't for grades, it's just a break because that is the ONLY leisure subject we have {in this stage}), I would ditch P.E with a book or with one of my teachers trying to learn more about the subject. 

I hate running around the field tbh and ever since the P.E teacher we had the last two years left and I saw  and heard the new one speak for FIVE seconds, I was like PASS. Also, at the beginning of the year there was no teacher watching over us and I was like what is the point. 

I also got sick and tired of my classmates  and how much they want to run around or those that DONT how much they want to stare at space in SOLITUDE and have nothing to do with me.

I assure YOU, I am perfectly UNobnoxious but Idk the strange solution for this strange occurrence. 

^Thank you for listening to my rant^


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