iii. "breakfast"

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Cecilia's P.O.V.:

My eyes wandered to the calendar hanging in the corridor to the kitchen. Today was 19.02 and that meant it was only one week until Felix and my birthday. I smiled to myself. Even though our birthday was never celebrated in a big way, I liked this day very much. Only what should I give my brother butte?

My mobile phone gave a soft ding signal and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Hey, today's finally the day!
Comic Con!

Meet Anastasia Baker, Elizabeth Olsen's biggest fan, with a crush on Chris Evans and my best friend.

I quickly replied to her message.

What time should I be with you guys?
Sebastian's going to drive us, right?

I put my mobile back in my pocket and ran into the kitchen, where I immediately checked the fridge. I silently looked at the various foods and then reached for fresh eggs and lactose-free butter and milk. After placing the rest of the ingredients on the kitchen table, I prepared batter for the pancakes.

My mobile phone made another sound and I pulled it out of my pocket again.

Right, Sebastian will drive us there,
but don't bug him. Felix and he will probably
probably looking for Emilia Clarke
and won't leave the poor thing alone.

This picture made me smile. While his sister was a huge fan of the Marvel universe, Sebastian was more into Game of Thrones, which was also quite good in my opinion, but definitely too long. My twin brother was also a big fan of this series and I found it impressive that the boy, who could never sit still, except when he slept, should have watched all the seasons of this terribly long series.

After the alarm clock told me that my pancakes were ready, I scraped the last bits of batter out of the dysentery bowl, which consequently ended up in the sink. I would do that later on.

Not even a second later, the stairs began to trample and the heads of my two half-siblings and my stepmother appeared in the doorway. After the death of Felix and my mother, our father had remarried, although he was not nearly over the loss of his wife. It was much more the scarcely any sexual activity that he could no longer engage in without our mother. But I have no right to judge. At least he leaves me alone, most of the times...
The relationship between my father and I, it was a bit complicated, in case you hadn't noticed so far.

"Oh yes! Yummy, pancakes!", Nicole quickly stormed into the kitchen and dropped onto one of the free chairs. She looked at me expectantly.

Sighing, I turned to the cupboard and took out her plate and cutlery. I put the things down in front of her and she had already loaded two pancakes onto her plate and was happily smacking away.

I also fetched the dishes for my little half-brother Tommy and my stepmother Catherine and set the table. To be honest, I wasn't in the mood for a big family breakfast, so I gave them a curt nod and then went back to my room.

I had to leave for school in twenty minutes anyway. I could just scroll through Instagram until then.
Thought, done.

I opened the app and immediately clicked on the Marvel cast's new Stories. There were a few pictures of them before they boarded the plane, then pictures from a hotel room and at the end they were gathered at a breakfast table. Seeing all the waffles and fruit, my stomach started to growl. Maybe I should grab something on the way out. Or I would ask Felix if he would bring me something.

Immediately I got jittery when I thought about meeting these people today.
My parents were actually completely against it, but I would go anyway. I had hatched the perfect plan with Anastasia and I was firmly convinced that it would work.

I tied my light brown, wavy hair into a braid with a scrunchie and tugged lightly at my curtain bangs. After a glance in the mirror, I nodded with satisfaction.
I used a little more mascara to make my green eyes stand out and I was ready.

A minute before 08:00 am. I ran down the stairs with my school backpack and shouted another loud 'Ciao' before the front door slammed into the lock behind me.
I ran through the front garden and then to the shed, frantically turning the lock, which popped open without further ado. After pulling my bike out of it, I locked the shed again and made my way out of the property as quickly as possible.

I pedalled frantically. Unfortunately, it had started raining heavily again, as it had the night before, and a wind was also rushing across the fields. For February, however, this weather was not surprising.

I would have loved to be sitting in front of the fireplace with a Marvel comic and drinking hot chocolate, but that possibility was denied me. No, I had to hurry so that I could manage to buy something quickly in the canteen. I had put asking Felix out of my mind. He would probably just forget about it and then sit in front of me with a steaming cup of coffee and ask what had happened.

For the first time, the school building put a big smile on my face and I could hardly wait to chain up my bike and get out into the warmth. The corridors were already bustling with activity. Students were running up and down or almost knocking others over with their skateboards. I quickly made my way through the masses and came to a stop in the canteen. Fortunately, the queue was very short and I was able to bite into my bagel after only five minutes.

Humming, I walked into the chemistry hall where I had my first two lessons. Actually, they were the only two lessons I would attend today. Today's topic was "intermolecular forces", at least that's what it said on the whiteboard. If that didn't sound exciting. And I meant it. In fact, chemistry was a science I quite liked.

More and more students trickled into the classroom. Among them was my brother, who dropped down on the stool next to me. He put his head on the table and mumbled that I should wake him up when the lesson was over.


Stay safe!

~ Aurelia

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