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ash_cole last pic in the uk before going to Melbourne

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ash_cole last pic in the uk before going to Melbourne

Tagged: landonorris
Liked by landonorris, masonmount and 483,853 others.

landonorris YOU'RE GOING????!!!!
- ash_cole yes :)
- landonorris yessss ::::::)
- user_4795 just marry each other already 

oscarpiastri pls come he's been talking about you non stop
- ash_cole I'm going Pastry dont worry :)

mclaren Great to see Lando's depression finally cured!
- user_87543 lmao 💀
- user_9878656 too far 


Mum and Michael didn't even stop at the airport to wave me goodbye. 

Like I was even expecting them, I told myself. After what happened yesterday they probably wouldn't even look me in the eye or talk to me. Lando had texted me this morning, making sure I was okay and I could attend my flight on time. 

He was worried as well, about me accepting everything. 

I did, in fact, book business class for a more comfortable experience. It was mainly Lando's idea, when we talked for almost the whole day. I'd left the house without any sound, as I didn't want to wake my 'parents' up. 

Mum had invited Michael in, so he could live with us for a week and decide if he wanted to move in with us or not. We could live with him instead, but I was planning to live on my own as they moved in together. 

Not like they'd miss me anyways, they'd be more focused on my younger baby sibling. I'd heard them giggling all night, accepting the fact I might be asleep and won't hear them. They were talking about how to welcome it into the family, and might buy a dog as a present. 

I wasn't sure if babies liked dogs or cats, but for an exception I left the desicion alone to the new parents. 

As I slipped my suitcase in the compartment above me, and I set up a comfortable place for me to sleep. After almost staying awake all night listening to their conversation, I felt particularly sick and unwell. I declined food on the plane, which was the most unusual. 

"If you need anything during the trip, like the booking that didn't go as planned, just call me," Lena had hugged me before I boarded the plane. "I'll try and fix it immediately. Just call me anytime, I'll look out for you."

"Thanks," I smiled and hugged her back tightly. "You really are my second best friend."

"First one is your boyfriend," Lena teased me. "Now go get your man!" 

We liked joking, a lot. I anxiously rubbed the charm of my necklace as the plane starting moving smoothly across the ground. I embraced myself as I looked out of the window. It was afternoon, and the sky was still a shade of royal blue that spread itself along.

The necklace itself was also a beauty. The charm was a gold, plated star hung in midair by a silver chain. It wrapped itself around my neck, a cold feeling everyone would've felt if the chain was touching your skin. 

"Are you there yet?" Lando phoned me as soon as I got on the plane. 

"Not yet, love," I sighed. "I just boarded the plane. Couldn't obviously be here that fast."

"Aww darling," Lando complained. "I want you here, right now."

"Stop complaining," I rolled my eyes. "Can you video call? Maybe that'll make you feel better."

"Yes pleasee," Lando groaned. "Haven't seen your face in ages!" I turned on video call and he grinned at me, Oscar right next to him, looking bored. "Ashley!"

"Hi Lando," I cheekily smiled at him as I shut the panel so I could have a bit of privacy. "Oscar, get your face out of the screen. This is a fucking private conversation."

"Good, cause I don't want to hear moaning later on and Lando butt-naked!" Oscar complained once again as Lando slapped him in the back before sitting next to him, and Oscar sighed and took his phone out. "I'll be keeping an eye on you."

"Whatever," Lando threw a pillow at him as I giggled. "Looking beautiful today, aren't you? Still keeping the necklace on, huh?"

"Yep, I keep it on everytime and everywhere," I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and he grinned. "You look nice yourself too, Lando." He adjusted his cap. "But I don't know what's under that cap."

"Hey!" Lando exclaimed, while Oscar next to him collapsed into a fit of laughter. "My hair isn't that bad. It's just curly from the start."

"No, when you were little, it was straight," I re-adjusted the chair as I laid on my stomach. "I literally saw a video of you getting interviewed after your race and you looked the exact same. Expect for your hair. It was straight. And you were cute back then!"

"So I'm not cute now?" I saw him stand up and open the door which led outside. I didn't take much notice yet, and I closed my eyes. "Aw, that's sad. Which airport are you landing at?"

"Melbourne Airport, isn't it obvious?" I asked. "I'm going to sleep." 

"On call?" Lando chuckled. "Alright, get your beauty sleep, beautiful. See you when you wake up."

With that, I let out a sleepy sigh and fell asleep.


As soon as I woke up, I found out Lando had turned his camera off. But I didn't care. I stretched and yawned, as I heard him snort. 

The plane was near Melbourne now, just a few miles away from the airport. I fixed up my hair and packed up everything, as the plane announced we were landing.

"So, this your captain James here, and as you can see, we're almost landing," The captain spoke into the speakers. "Please don't leave any of your belongings or personal and important items on the plane, and have a good time in Melbourne. We might see you tomorrow again."

I hefted the suitcase out of the compartment and pulled it out of the plane, my handbag bobbing along my thigh as I went through airport security. Suddenly, a surprise was waiting for me by the gates.

"You're fucking kidding me," I gasped as I hugged my best friend tightly. "Lando, you didn't have to pick me up!"

"Come on, I know you're happy," Lando teased. "I'll drop you off at the hotel and then we'll meet the McLaren crew."

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