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"You did miss a big part of your birthday." 

"I know," I said. "I'm not complaining." 

"We looked over your house, by the way," Lando said, stretching his legs on the hospital bed as Lena closed the blinds of my room to shut off the loud shrieks of the fans. "We did what you told us to do. We sold your Mum's stuff." 

"How much did I earn?" I asked. 

"Just barely over about more than a thousand quid," Lena smiled, pulling the covers up to my waist as I sat up with Lando. "We also packed all your things into boxes, sold the house. The keys have been handed over." 

"I'm surprised you wanted to leave this place," Lando wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "I know you spent your whole life there." 

"Those twenty-two years were a lie," I said, eagerly snuggling into Lando's grasp. "I didn't know much about Emma's affair with her colleague. All I know now is they slept together, somehow." 

"Your Dad?" He offered me a bottle of water. I drained it all down. "Any evidence found of him?" 

"He died in jail," I muttered sadly. "The police called me yesterday. Dad had died in jail last year because of some abusing from his bunkmates. There wasn't a lot of places to hide the body, the people who had abused him burnt his body. They thought the police wouldn't notice." 

"Ashes? Graves?" Lena listened in. 

"No ashes, silly," I flicked my fingers on her forehead. "He was burnt. The ashes of his remains were washed down the toilet. They only found his prison clothes." 

"I'm sorry," Lando took the bottle back. "The nurses informed me a few hours ago you'll be dispatched from the hospital around in a few hours when the doctors have done their tests on you. I'll be helping you get your stuff shipped off to Monaco soon." 

Even though the relationship had only started, I had agreed to move in with him. The house I had grown up in would make matters worse for me and my conditions considering the dreams I had of the abusive activity lately. 

Mum was sent to prison for only six months. It would only be a short amount of time before she'd gotten out to find me again. It would be better if we'd moved countries so my identity could be hidden for most of the time being. 

"I'll miss you," Lena grinned. "Invite me over for next year's birthday celebrations." 

"Sure," I nodded. "Where you heading off to?" 

"Oh, to buy tickets to a football game near me," She chuckled. "I've been wanting to watch that match since I was little. I'll be back before your flight." 

"'Kay," She gave me a gentle hug before giving Lando orders to take care of me. "I'll see you soon then." As soon as the door shut, a mischevious smile was immediately planted onto his face.

"We should re-celebrate your birthday," He grinned.

"It's fine. I don't want to relive my birthday," I simply nodded. "Chances are that I'll dump a birthday cake on your head if you decided to surprise me." 

"I won't," Lando sighed. "Such a party pooper. All you do is listen to music and be depressed almost every single day. Have some fun, idiot." 

I reached out for the bottle of water again. "I don't want fun, Lando. I want to have some freedom for once," He grasped my hand tightly. "You know what would be fun? If we wrecked the this hospital." 

"I'll book you a rage room, I'm not wasting my time explaining to the doctors and nurses what the fuck had happened to your room," He yawned. "Can I nap?" 

"It's up to you, I want to move around for once," I freed myself from the covers and stumbled out of bed, as his gaze focused on me, watching my every move. 

"Be careful, yeah?" I nodded and walked over to the windows, opening up the blinds. "Can you play some music?" 

"No." I pressed my hands against the window. It had been days since I had been on the streets of England. "I don't want to." I needed fresh air. I wanted to be out on the streets again. 

"Fine then, what do you want to do?" He groaned. "You don't want to do anything at all." 

"I don't want to," I grumbled. "It's boring." 

"Want to cuddle?" Lando had put his best pleading face. "Please, Ash?" 

"Fine," I glared at him. "You owe me one." 

I managed to bury myself into his arms before falling asleep. 

*Michael's POV* 

I faced Emma. 

She stared at me through the glass, pressing his hands against the window. She mumbled a few words I didn't understand, although my brain reprocessed the words. "You think she'll know?" 

"I don't know, but you've just sent our daughter to the prison," I gripped the receiver tightly. "I know you said it's for the best, for us to abandon her. But I've just heard about them - she's moving to Monaco." 

"Why?" Emma cried. 

"She wants to be away from you, they figured it would be months before you came back out to hunt for her," I explained. "Look, I've not seen her for so long, Em. It would make sense if I'd spent more time with her instead." 

"You have to stop them, I need to explain to her what happened!" She had tears streaming down her face. "Prison life is so harsh, Mike. Tell them who you really are." 

"I can't," I admitted. "Ashley already recognises the other man as her father. She said it, she said he wasn't like this before he figured out your affair... with me, of course." 

"She deserves the truth," Emma choked the words out. "I-"

"Time's up," The guards announced, as she managed to beg for thirty more seconds. 

"I don't have much time. Tell her who you are. She needs to know about this, and if she could stay in the UK for a few more years I'll be able to tell her everything. Please, I-" She screamed, as the guards dragged her away with force. 

I stayed there for a few seconds, sighing and rethinking my descisions. "Sir?" I looked up. A lady gave me a strict smile and pointed towards the doorway. "We have loads of visitors. Please, could you head out?" 

I nodded silently and moved my feet gently towards the door. I needed to tell Ashley I was her Father. It was the secret we'd kept from her for so long. 

I got into a taxi. 

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