Chapter 3

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(Another reminder that this is ai generated)

The trio made their way to school, their minds set on finding the culprit behind the gym vandalism. They asked around and gathered as much information as they could about the rumor Craig had mentioned.

After some investigation, they discovered that the rumor had started with a group of students who were known for causing trouble. The group had been seen near the gym around the time of the vandalism, and several witnesses had reported hearing them laughing and shouting.

Tweek, Butters, and Kenny knew that they had to talk to the troublemakers and get to the bottom of things. They found the group in the school cafeteria and approached them cautiously.

"Excuse me," Tweek said, his voice shaking slightly. "We heard that you guys were near the gym last night. Did you see anything suspicious?"

The group of students looked at each other, smirking.

"Why do you want to know?" one of them asked.

Kenny stepped forward, his fists clenched. "Because the school dance is in jeopardy, and we need to clear our names. Did you guys have something to do with the vandalism?"

The group of troublemakers laughed, taunting Tweek, Butters, and Kenny. But they didn't back down. They knew that they had to stand up for what was right.

Suddenly, a teacher walked into the cafeteria and saw the commotion. "What's going on here?" she asked.

Tweek, Butters, and Kenny explained the situation, and the teacher listened carefully. She took the troublemakers aside and questioned them about their involvement in the vandalism.

After some pressure, the group admitted to vandalizing the gym. They had done it as a prank, not realizing the consequences of their actions.

The trio breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that they had cleared their names and saved the school dance. They felt proud of themselves for standing up to the troublemakers and getting to the truth.

As they left the cafeteria, Tweek looked at Butters and Kenny, feeling grateful for their friendship.

"Thanks for always having my back, you guys," Tweek said, smiling.

Butters smiled back. "Of course, Tweek. That's what friends are for."

Kenny grinned. "And besides, what's a little trouble when you've got good company?"

The three friends laughed and headed off to enjoy the rest of their day, knowing that they had each other's backs no matter what challenges they might face.

An AI generated fic of my fav crackshipWhere stories live. Discover now