The last battle

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She'd been walking for hours now and the emotional turmoil by far exceeded the pain her sore muscles and blistered feet left her with

the day was approaching its end , promising a new beginning with the arrival of the full moon

She hated the idea of doing this without her parents

Without Josie

The pain started out manageable and without warning but gradually got more intense ... Excruciatingly intense

" Fuck fuck fuck- oh god-"

It didn't take long before the pain spread through her entire body, her already exhausted pained body

So she sobbed hysterically
Screaming out loud every obscenity there is

Her mom had described the feeling for her before

Hayley had hoped her daughter will never experience that kinda pain but maybe her worries were more about the way hope would trigger the curse

She knew her baby was too kind and hard on herself to survive the guilt

What Hayley had never explained in full details was how fucking insanely torturous it would be for every single bone in your body to break

She however insisted on the importance of not fighting the process but rather flowing with it

Which is insanely hilarious because how the fuck was she supposed to vibe with her eye bones breaking or with the way she would choose death over feeling her skull getting cracked open

But she tried to breathe, she wanted to make her mom proud

It didn't spare her the pain but it made it easier ,she finally stopped fighting against turning and let the beast take over

Feeling her flesh turn upside down as the skin of an animal assumed control instead was anything but pleasant

But she survived it and run deeper into the woods

The chains that used to bind her were left broken on the ground

A pretty much symbolic scene


Elijah woke up in a dark dungeon with what appears to be a teenage witch

And two very furious hybrids

He tried to move but found himself immobilized

Must be the pesky witch's doing

" Are you sure this is safe for you to do sweetie?"

Josie shot Hayley a reassuring smile

" Of course, you have nothing to worry about I'll be fine
i just need to channel something strong "

Klaus sighed as he stepped forward knowing exactly what to do

" Go on , let's get this over with "

The dungeon was absolutely quiet

Save for Elijah's heart wrenching screams echoing through the lock up

He was resisting the spell with every fiber of his being

The rush of memories was physically Painful

A thousand years worth of pain and trauma coming back at full force

Hayley clutched Klaus's hand turning her face away

Up until Elijah blacked out

He faked indifference but no matter what .it was still disturbing to see his brother suffer that way

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