Chapter 9: The Marriage Parts 1 and 2

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Part 1

The sun had barely begun to rise as Din Djarin got out of bed and made his way to a local store on Nevarro to purchase a ring for his girlfriend, Bo-Katan Kryze.

It was something that he had been planning for a while, and he knew it would come in handy later.

As he returned to their home, Bo-Katan was just waking up and rolling out of bed.

Bo: "Good morning, my love," She said in a very sleepy voice.

Din: "Good morning, Bo. Did you sleep well?"

Bo: "Yes, I did sleep well. Did you?"

Din: "Good to hear, and yes I slept well too."

Bo: "Wonderful."

Din then placed the ring box on the bedside table. Bo didn't notice it.

The couple had only just adopted the foundling Grogu, the day before, and they were still getting used to their new roles as parents.

As they made breakfast for each other and for Grogu, they couldn't help but feel content and happy.

They made Grogu some cereal, which he ate happily.

As they finished up breakfast, Din went back into the bedroom and grabbed the ringbox.

He then went to Bo-Katan with a serious and nervous expression on his face.

Din: "Bo, I have something that I want to ask you and have been wanting to ask you for quite a while now."

Bo looked at him curiously, doing a cute head tilt.

Bo: "What is it, my love?"

Din pulled out the ring box, opening it to reveal the ring.

He got down on one knee.

Din: "Bo, will you marry me?"

Bo was at a loss for words, shocked and overjoyed all at once.

Bo: "Oh my god. Yes, of course I will marry you, Din Djarin. I've wanted to marry you ever since we started dating."

Din's face lit up with a smile.

Din: "Yay, thank you, Bo."

The two of them then returned to the kitchen to take care of Grogu and to clean up his breakfast.

After finishing their morning routine and Din's proposal, Din and Bo-Katan go to visit their friend Greef Karga, to show off their newly adopted foundling.

Bo and Din go to Greef's office.

Din: "Greef! We have something to show you!"

Greef: "What is it, Mando?"

Din: "He is me and Bo's newly adopted foundling. His name is Grogu.

Karga then got out of his chair. He was then amazed by how cute Grogu was and congratulated them on becoming parents.

Greef: "Wow, that's a cute little green fella you've got there. Congratulations on becoming parents, you two.

They then revealed their engagement.

Din: "I also just proposed to Bo and she said yes. We are engaged now."

Bo: "Yes, indeed we are."

Greef: "Wow, that's wonderful. I'm so happy for both of you. Shall we host a wedding ceremony in the middle of town for the two of you?"

Din: "That would be nice."

Bo: "Yeah, you should do it."

Greef: "Alright. Me and my team will go and set up the ceremony. I will be the best man. You two can go back to your house. I will notify you when it's ready."

Din and Bo both nodded.

Din, Bo and Grogu then went back to their house to wait for Karga's notification that the ceremony was ready.

Part 2

The time then came for their ceremony.

Din, Bo, and Grogu then made their way to the middle of the city.

The wedding was beautiful, and Din and Bo-Katan were amazed at how well Karga and his team had done.

They then found a random crowd member to watch over Grogu for them.

They then approached Karga to begin the ceremony.

Greef: "So, Din Djarin, do you take Bo-Katan Kryze to be your loving wife?"

Din: "Yes, I do."

He replied without hesitation.

Greef: "And Bo-Katan Kryze, do you take Din Djarin to be your loving husband?" Karga continued.

Bo: "Of course I do," she said, beaming.

Greef: "Then you may remove your helmets and kiss."

Before they removed each other's helmets and kissed, they said to one another, "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde," which means "We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors."

Din: "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."

Bo: "Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde."

This reaffirmed their commitment to each other.

The crowd cheered as Din and Bo-Katan kissed, officially becoming husband and wife.

After thanking Karga for hosting the ceremony, they picked up Grogu and returned to their house to spend the rest of the day caring for him.

As night fell, they put Grogu to bed and made their way to their room.

Din couldn't help but feel grateful for the woman he had just married and Bo felt grateful for the man she had just married.

Din: "I'm so happy we're married now. I love you so much, Bo-Katan Kryze."

Bo: "I am as well. I love you more, Din Djarin."

They then shared another long and passionate kiss before drifting off to sleep, dreaming of their happy lives together for the future. It will be a lot better now that they're married.

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