Chapter 14: 72 Seasons and Peace and Harmony for Bo and Din

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Din and Bo-Katan, the happy married couple are still living together in their house on Nevarro.

One day, Metallica drops a surprise new album called "72 Seasons."

Being huge Metallica fans, Din and Bo are thrilled to hear it.

They the go to the music store. They buy 72 Seasons, head back to their house, and they listen to it together.

As they listen to the album, they are blown away by the band's music and energy and the heaviness of the songs on the album, but they are especially impressed with the vocal delivery and lyricism.

After listening to the album, Din and Bo-Katan have a conversation about their favorite song from the album. Bo asks Din:

Bo: "What was your favorite song from 72 Seasons?"

Din has a hard time choosing because every song was equally good, but he eventually reveals that his favorite song was "Inamorata," and he explains to Bo that it means "a person's female lover." He confesses to her that he thought about her a lot while listening to Inamorata.

Din: "I loved every song. Every song was equally good, but to be honest my number one favorite was the album's closing track, "Inamorata" because "Inamorata" means a person's female lover, which made me think of you, Bo."

Bo is touched by Din's words.

Bo: "Awwww, I love you so much, Din. It's so nice to hear that you thought of me while listening to that song."

Bo then reveals that her favorite songs were "Shadows Follow," "Sleepwalk My Life Away," "Lux Æterna," "Crown of Barbed Wire," "Chasing Light," "Too Far Gone?" and "Room of Mirrors,"

Bo: "My favorite songs were "Shadows Follow, Sleepwalk My Life Away," "Lux Æterna," "Crown of Barbed Wire," "Chasing Light," "Too Far Gone?" and "Room of Mirrors." I loved those songs."

Din: "Those are very good picks, Bo. All of those songs are really good."

Din and Bo-Katan then express their love for each other and share a kiss and a hug. They continue to listen to "Inamorata" on repeat while enjoying their peaceful life together in their home  on Nevarro.

They then go to sleep and they sleep happily together, living happily ever after.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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