Chapter Nineteen ~ Waking Up ~ Part II

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As soon as Chadwick and Thea finished their lunch, they hurried straight to the library for meditation, with Fiona following behind, invisible just like always. By the time they arrived, the singing bowls already filled the library and dojo with their relaxing song. The Gurus chanted, and the fountains added their water song to the vast room, which literally hummed with Energy.

Thea whispered, 'Good luck,' and went off to begin her pretend search of the library for Guru Ellhorn. Chadwick found himself wishing he could help her, but he knew he needed to focus on replenishing his own Energy right now. He would have to settle for asking her how it went after meditation ended.

He nearly walked straight to the private room of his former private Guru, but stopped himself and instead headed for the small area of the library that had stone floors. He pulled off his boots and socks and began meditation in a standing position. He held his right hand over his left hand at his belly. With his feet connected to the earth, he easily activated his Root Chakra. Chadwick felt a small tendril of Energy at the base of his spine, and it truly shocked him to realise just how depleted his body had become.

He shifted his weight to one foot and pulled the other foot up to the side of his leg in Vrikshasana. After only a moment, he wobbled on his foot, unable to hold the tree pose. With his head swimming with dizziness, he decided he'd better sit on the stone floor before he toppled over and caused a scene.

Once sitting cross-legged in Kapalbhati Pranayama, he touched the stone floor beneath him and activated the Utilisation Conversion Circles on the tips of his middle fingers. As his hands began to glow yellow, the Conversion immediately started funnelling Energy from the surrounding stone into his body. Chadwick kept the Conversion going as he took out his brand-new conduit from his pocket and put his hands together at heart centre with the stone wedged between his thumbs and fingers.

Finally, Chadwick raised his hands to his forehead and focused all his concentration on his conduit. Without a Word, he activated the Transmission Circle on the tips of his thumbs. The yellow tattoo became a path by which he could slowly channel all the Energy he drew into his body straight into his conduit, until the stone filled with Energy and he had been sitting for about fifteen minutes.

He slid the stone back into his pocket and made a mudra sign with his hands, touching the tips of his middle fingers to the tips of his thumbs. With the two Conversion Circles pressed together, Chadwick slowly transferred and absorbed the Energy from the stone floor into his Chakras.

This part of meditation always bored Chadwick, after he had filled his conduit with Energy and he had to focus instead on his Chakras. He always had trouble keeping his brain from wandering, which made it hard to fully activate and replenish his Chakras.

Today was no different. He found himself constantly drifting to some very dark thoughts: his anger at his parents for leaving him behind at Blackthorn, his sadness at seeing Tajana leave, and his worry over her safety. Chadwick knew that dark thoughts led to dark Energies, and every time his mind wandered to these thoughts, he had to stop meditating, so as to avoid filling his Chakras with negative Energy.

This had always been a problem for Chadwick. When he was a new Initium, his private Guru, a soft-spoken middle-aged woman by the name of Guru Seiya, had constantly nagged and warned him. He tended to let his mind wander and let his emotions and thoughts colour his Energies. Even now, after six months of private meditation lessons, Chadwick still felt like an honest beginner in the areas of Kundalini and Chakras and meditation. The worst part was that he was a Chandler now, so his private Guru had likely been assigned to a new Initium already. He was on his own without anyone to guide him.

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