Chapter Forty-Nine ~ Verdandi

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'Thea! Oh, thank the Heavens!'

Everyone turned to see Fiona run into the room. Thea flung her arms wide open and ran to her mother. When they reached each other, Fiona hugged her daughter and spun around once. They both smiled brightly as Thea came back down to her feet and they held each other tight.

'C.C.!' Thea exclaimed, and out of Fiona's pocket burst the tiny grey noctos. 'Oh, I've missed you so much!'

Everyone smiled as Thea held a silent conversation with her Chimaera. Meanwhile, Fiona rushed forward to give Owen a hug and a kiss and then another hug.

Chadwick watched them hold each other, a sad smile on his face. He stood off to the side, feeling slightly disconnected from all these people, some of them complete strangers. He ran his hand over Stella's fluffy back and silently told her, I'm happy for Thea 'n' all, but I wish my parents were here, Stella!

I know! she replied. I miss them just as much as you do.

Stella? You've never even met them. Chadwick rolled his eyes.

But I know them so well, because of how I am connected to you, and I miss them, honestly I do! They must be found, wherever they are. We must save them as soon as possible and ease their worry. I'm sure they are scared to death that something has happened to you!

You're right, Chadwick agreed. And he did something very brave then. He walked right up to the Code Giver and looked the strange woman directly in her grey eyes. 'Erm, excuse me if I'm being a bit forward, but my parents have been kidnapped by Shadow Alchemists, and I need to go save them. Is there any way you could help me?'

The Code Giver gave meaningful looks to the two Alchemists in grey robes, both standing on either side of her. 'I'm very sorry to hear that; Chadwick right?' the Giver said. Her voice had a tone of soft confidence that made him want to listen with all his might.

He nodded laconically.

'How is it that you have discovered this, if I may ask?'

'I scryed them on my Div Mirror, and my dad used these signal words that we've got, to alert me that something was amiss. He couldn't tell me exactly what was wrong, but I know the Shadows have got 'em! I just know it.' Chadwick clenched his hands together in a pleading gesture. 'You're the only hope they've got. Please say you'll help!'

'I can't help you find and rescue your parents, not personally,' the Code Giver said with a solemn face. 'But I can lend you two of my best Personas to aid you. Shriya? Katelinn?' The Code Giver said, turning again to the two women that stood on either side of her. 'Will you come to this poor boy's aid and help him find his parents, wherever they may be? And if it turns out that the Code Breaker did have his Shadows apprehend the boy's parents, will you risk your lives to save them?'

'Of course, Giver,' the first lady said. With her accent, her deep caramel skin, and her long black hair, Chadwick guessed she was from India. She even had a red bindi in the centre of her forehead. 'I will risk my life for theirs, if need be,' she said as she held her hands palms up in front of her chest, and then she put her palms together at heart centre.

'I will stop at nothing to rescue his parents,' the other lady said as she repeated the same hand gestures: first holding both hands out with the palms up, and then ending with her hands at heart centre, and Chadwick deduced that the motion must be the Giver's salute. She had an American accent, and despite how young she looked, Chadwick had an odd feeling that she was an incredibly impressive Alchemist. She just had a sense of casual confidence about her that made Chadwick feel at ease.

'Thank you, thank you,' Chadwick said, putting his hands at heart centre. 'I'm in your debt, Giver. Thank you!'

'Don't thank me until your parents are safely returned,' the Giver said with a tiny smile, and crows' feet appeared at the corners of her eyes.

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