Chapter Thirty-Six ~ The Swift and The Puma

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Thea opened the door for them, and they filed into the bird house. Chadwick and Thea had used the umbrella, but the wind and rain had still managed to get their trousers soaking wet. 'I'm sick of this rain!' Chadwick said.

'Me too,' Thea said as she ventured into the bird house. She soon found a kiosk and stood studying the information while Chadwick pulled Stella from her pocket.

You're special, Stella, Chadwick told her silently. Because you are bound to two Alchemists. Not every Chimaera has two Alchemists.

I feel special, Stella proudly told him, flapping her wings in a grand gesture of importance. I can't wait to see Tajana again!

I know! So, I was thinking... Maybe we aught to do the same with Thea and her new Chimaera. It could save someone's life in a fight, and help us all communicate with each other better. What do you think?

Yes! Stella nodded. It is fun. It is helpful. It is a good idea.

Thought so, Chadwick replied.

'No nighthawk,' Thea said with a sigh. 'All sorts of owls, though. Owls are nocturnal; would an owl work?'

Chadwick approached the kiosk. 'Sure it would.'

'Would it look like a griffin, or a winged feline?' Thea tilted her head.

Chadwick scoffed. 'Maybe if you're a Recreant, you'd call it a griffin.' He was sending her up, and she realised it right away and made a face at him, rolling her eyes and letting her mouth fall open like a simpleton.

I think she likes you, Stella told him, and Chadwick had to bite back a laugh.

'Griffin was a famous aquileo,' Chadwick said.

'A noctigris has the head of the owl,' Kazuo added.

'Ziz was a famous noctigris,' Chadwick added, and Thea nodded when she recognised the name. 'My mum has a noctigris, and she's really rather cute.'

'I want a winged feline with the shadow Affinity.' Thea hung her head, obviously disappointed.

'You're awfully picky,' Chadwick said, thinking about how he'd been so set on making a volucerta, but he'd ended up with Stella instead, who turned out to be the best Chimaera he could have hoped for. 'Does it really need to be a flying cat?'

'That's what I want,' Thea said.

'There is another way,' Kazuo said as he approached.

Thea and Chadwick watched him as he circled the triangular kiosk looking for a specific bird. Finally, he said, 'Yes, this will work. You will need this swift here.' He pointed at the picture of a chimney swift.

'Chimney swift?' Chadwick asked, obviously sceptical.

'It is crepuscular,' Kazuo explained, and Chadwick looked at Thea and nodded.

'The light Affinity; it repels all Elements, same as the shadow Affinity,' he explained. 'Wait, what feline would you use for that?'

'A puma,' Kazuo said.

Chadwick smiled and folded his map up. 'Perfect,' he said as he pointed at the cover, which showed a grey puma.

'A puma and a swift?' Thea asked, pursing her lips in thought. 'What would it look like?'

'The pumadae is mostly a feline, but with the wings of the bird and feathers instead of fur. It has bird talons and a long feathery cat tail.'

'That's what I want,' Thea said.

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