Chapter 7

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Recap: Finally, Mom decided to break the silence by speaking.

Am: Bri, both your father and I have noticed that your behavior over the past couple of weeks has not been the best. We have therefore realized that we have gone way too long without any proper rules and punishments.

A: So, starting tonight, that is all going to be changing. From now on, every time you break one of the house rules, you will be punished. If we are at home, the punishment will take place on the spot. If we are out, you will be given a warning and be punished when we return. Are you understanding everything so far, Brianna?

B: (sort of zoned out) Yes, sir. I understand.

A: OK. Now, here's the list of rules and the punishments for rule breaking...

Then they took me through a very long list of very stupid rules. As they were talking, I was already thinking of ways to break them so I would not get caught. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't even register that they had finished until Dad said my name.

A: Bri? Are you even paying attention?

B: (distractedly) Yeah. I heard every word you said.

Am: Well then, what is the punishment for backtalk?

B:, uh...I don't know.

Am: That's what I thought. You just added 5 swats each to your punishments.

B: (confused) What do you mean 5 each? I thought I was only getting one spanking.

A: During our conversation, we decided that since you disobeyed both of us, you will be punished by both of us.

I seriously thought about arguing, but after thinking about it and getting a look from Dad, I decided to shut my mouth. Instead, I just sat there, pouting and not moving.

(Sorry for the crappy ending. I wasn't sure how to wrap this chapter up sufficiently. Hope you enjoy continuing on this journey as the reader. Happy Easter!)

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