Chapter 12

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Recap: That made me very nervous because there were some searches that I was definitely not proud of. And it didn't take very long for them to find those.

The way I knew that they had found them was dad giving me his signature "Explanation now, please" look.

Am: How long has this been a problem? And how did it start?

B: (Embarrassed) I don't know how it started. One day, I came across it and have had an addiction ever since. It's probably been about a year and a half. I'm sorry. I know it's wrong. I've tried to stop countless times, but it just keeps coming back.

A: Oh, sweetheart. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I want you to know that you are not alone. Your mother and I are here for you. We both love you and don't want you to suffer.

B: (crying) Thank you for your support. I love you guys too.

Am: Tell you what we'll do, hun. We are going to delete this stuff (meaning porn) off your history and I will hold onto your phone for the rest of the day.

A: However, if we catch you doing this again, the consequences will be more severe. How does that all sound?

B: I really appreciate you caring enough to do this. I don't want to keep fighting this alone.

Am: You are very welcome, sweetie. Anytime. Now, who's ready for family game night? We've invited Rupp and his family to join us. They should be here any minute.

(Hello my lovely readers. I'm so sorry I've not updated this story in a while. It has been a hectic summer for me. As I am writing this, I am on a train headed to Provo, Utah. I've been invited to spend a couple weeks with my cousin's family. Beautiful scenery; perfect spot for writing. Anyways, hope you enjoy this new chapter. I have a lot of time, so the next chapter will be coming in a couple hours probably.)

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