Chapter 21

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Recap: However, like Rupp had said earlier, my not doing homework came back to bite me later that day.

That evening, after dinner, we were all playing around on the instruments. Suddenly, Dad stepped away to take a phone call. Nobody seemed to notice, even when he came back 10 minutes later and beckoned for me to follow him. When we were in my parent's room, he closed the door.

A: I just wanted to ask you a clarifying question. Did you actually get today's assignments done?

B: Yeah, why? (knowingly lying)

A: Well, apparently, if you turned them in, they aren't showing up on the teachers' ends. To them, it looks like you didn't do them at all. So, can you show me what you did?

B: (Thinking) Oh crap. I'm absolutely screwed. I can't show it to dad. He'll know I didn't do any of it. Screw it, I'm just gonna confess.

A: Oh, and why is that?

B: Because, Dad, I, uh, may have lied. I didn't actually do any of it.

A: Oh, Brianna. You've got to be joking. You promised this wouldn't happen again, especially on tour.

B: I know. I'm sorry. I don't know why I did it.

A: Well, maybe I can help you not do it again. Wait here.

With that, he walked out of the room and closed the door. As soon as he had left I started crying. A few minutes later he came back, but he was not alone. He had brought Chance with him. Why he had brought Chance, I did not know at first. However, it didn't take long to figure it out.

When I finally figured out that Chance was there to punish me, I didn't even protest. I had been the one to willingly tell on myself. I knew I deserved it.

A: So, since Chance was the one who fell victim to your attitude about this earlier, he will be the one to punish you. Which, by the way, he is fine with.

AC: Yeah. It'll give me practice for when the twins arrive and are old enough for this type of punishment.

B: Do you actually think you will punish them this way?

AC: Well, I would keep it as a last resort, but if it ever came down to that option, yes I would. But, enough about them. Right now, it's about you and your punishment...

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