Chapter 14

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Recap: "Austin and I will be up shortly to talk to you both.

A: You too, Brianna Marie. And grab your mother's hairbrush while you're up there.

B: Yessir.

We both went upstairs, keeping up the arguing the entire way. Before going into my room, I stopped in my parents' room to grab the hairbrush. We walked into my room and sat on my bed, still arguing. We didn't even hear my father and Rupp coming, until we heard voices.

A: That's enough. Listen up. (we got quiet) Thank you. Now, what happened downstairs? Everything was going so well. Why did you guys fall apart?

M: I don't know. I guess we are both a little overly competitive. I'm sorry.

B: Me, too. I'm not sure what came over us. It won't happen again. I promise.

AR: I'm happy to hear you say that, but that won't get you guys out of being punished. Especially after some of the language I heard from both of you.

We both nodded and looked down at the floor. Neither of us wanted to look our dads in the eyes, we were so scared of seeing their disappointed faces. But try as we might, we eventually were forced to look up at them. They did indeed have very disappointed yet stern looks on their faces. I just about broke into sobs. I looked over at Maya and could tell she was very close to tears as well. I didn't blame her. She didn't get into trouble often, maybe once every month. She was a very good child, unlike me.

AR: So, Austin and I have been talking and have come to the decision that each of you will be punished by both of us. Now, Maya, I know that's different than any punishment you've gotten, but right now, I believe that it is the right choice. So, come on, both of you stand up. Let's get this over with.

(Another update in the books. (literally :)) Enjoy. more to come soon.)

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