their most prized possession

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(Preference: what their most prized possession is)

Adam Banks: His hockey stick signed by Wayne Gretzky

Charlie Conway: His original Ducks jersey

Guy Germaine: The ring he inherited from his grandfather

Dean Portman: His 'Beautiflu' by Boneclub CD

Fulton Reed: His black skull bandana 

Lester Averman: The joke book he got on his sixth birthday

Luis Mendoza: His gold chain

Dwayne Robertson: His cowboy hat

Jesse Hall: A picture of his family from the day Terry was born

(A/N: Hi lovelies! Wow, first post in a long time. Sorry it's so short and basic but I'm kind of dipping my toes back into the writing water as it were. I'm slowly coming back to things so I won't have a regular posting schedule for a while yet but I am seriously considering opening requests again on June 1st. That is, if any of you lovelies still reading this have a request lol That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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