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A Villain I am. The worst of the worst they call me. Yet they can not even come up with a name for me. I call myself the darkness of the dark. But you can call me chaos. Only you reading this anyone else will die by my magic of death. One touch and I will bring your nightmares to life. Watch out for chaos is here to stay.

Heros watch out for I have no weaknesses. With a touch of my finger, you will relive your nightmares. With my breath on your body an instant death you will have. That is why no love is my future. My sweat will make you bleed out. My blood electrifies people. Good thing I find humans despicable people.

Good thing I am immortal. If not I guess I would have died a long time ago. Talk about having the worst luck on the planet. I do not even remember how old I am anymore. It feels more like a curse than anything.

I remember I once was a good child. A happy one or at least that is what my memory says I was. People would say scoff at a villain being good. Villains are not made to be bad they are created. I was good as I protected my older brother. He was safe while I was the unwanted child that she wished she never had. I felt like I was born to protect those who could never protect themselves

Yet something changed drastically. One moment I was a happy child then the next I was being abused. The first few hits were not too bad but before I knew it. It got so bad I was wishing for death. I grabbed his leg scratching his way off me. He screamed like a banshee. He was the first victim of my powers. My brother never hated me he smiled whenever he saw me. He always told me," I was a good protector!"

The men who my mother always wanted more than her own children. At least after that he never abused me ever again. He did live sadly but he know better than to touch me anyway. Even using a knife the slight cut would have him screaming for hours. I should not have pleasure from it yet in a sick way I did. It was almost like a light switch flipped.

I wish I did not have to hear the screams but it was the only way to survive. Once he could not hurt me anymore he left. She was not very happy but she realized she could not touch me physically without severe burns appearing all over her body. She never touched me after that. Yet she never loved me even when I was a young child she looked at me with hate. My native brother was 18. He did not need to be protected by me anymore. I felt all alone and hated in a house that I wish would burn from all the bad memories in it yet it never did.

Before I know it I was in a retreat to cleanse the devil away from me. The true devil was the one sending me away. She never acted like a mother. She never protected me while they hurt me. She never had any marks it was almost like she wanted so badly to hurt me. But something stopped her so she let them abuse me. That is until they started to scream.

I smirk at the camp. It felt wonderful for the first time in a long time in a while I was happy in my young life. Not long I wish it never started but it did. I was protecting the other children as the men leered at them but I made sure they never did what they did to me.

The bad touch started and I could not stop it. I cried and tried to tell them what they did to me but they never believed me. Before long I wished I would die. Before I know what was happening he tried the bad touch I begged him to stop and he dropped. With my pants around my ankles, I ran away. The day they told us he died. I realized I killed my first victim.

I should feel sorry but all I felt was relieved that it was over with. He was gone and so was his nasty touch. I soon graduated from the stupid awful camp but I was never allowed home. She did not want me anymore. I accepted it as I did not want her in my life either. The only thing that made me upset is I was never allowed to see my sweet sunshine (my older brother).

Before I know it years went past I was in high school. Life was pretty great. I was a football star. It seemed like everyone wanted to be me or so I thought. It was at a party I was having a fun time with my friends but things can seem to never last long. I took a drink that was not mine. It was a friend of mine. He had his whole life ahead of him. Taking a sip of his water as I had never drank alcohol. Even though I was a freak I believed I had a bright future.

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