the inn of illusions 1500-2500

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A witch I am. Ever since I was born I was special or so said my mother. I know I was special as not many witches have glowing red hair and blue eyes. Or did not have to use a wand. I waved my hand and it was like a snap in the air. Whatever I wanted to happen would. I was special can you not see?

Most witches had to have a wand. I always called them, "Weak." For that is what they are. Yet they never liked me. They always scorned at me. Even children my age hated me because I was different. They bullied me but I was told to do nothing back to them

The first chance I got I left I never looked back. I was happy to leave with everything I had I explored the world. Years ago by as I travel the world.

I made a great life for myself. But I was never happy. Wanting to settle I made a safe haven for creatures like me. In doing so I realized I was becoming happy.

There are spells around the place for hurt creatures to find the place. For no one to come to harm. For no one to drink underage. And a peace spell. As long as everyone does not try to cause any problems they can stay if not an invisible force drags them out.

It was a night, unlike any other night of my life. Which made it quite boring. Unlike any other night, this night felt almost different. Like maybe a different scent in the air making me think something was going to happen. With a massive storm coming in a second before lights out. I know it is going to be a long night.

With a strong clash of thunder, I flinch at the sound. "I am so thankful I put a protection over this place years ago. As no matter the weather this place will stand and no damage will touch this place." I think with a smile as I do the nightly chores before I go to bed.

With a crash, the door bursts open. With a gasp from my lips, a man is standing there naked as the day he was born. I advert my eyes from the glorious naked body. The first naked body I ever saw too.

I hear him mutter something. Seeing his legs shake I know something is horribly wrong.

"What did you say?" I ask in a gentle voice.

"I needdddd helppp. Pleaaase Iii dooo nottt wanttt tooo dieee beforeee Iii meetttt myyy destineddd matee." He studders out.

I smell blood. I look to see blood dripping on the ground. "Well, this is not dragon good. Did I mention I hate the sight of blood" I think as I swear in my head.

I quickly levitate the naked man being careful of his wings. I move him into the kitchen seeing the cook. I yell," Go find a doctor I can only do so much." The man runs out as if a slayer was chasing him.

Seeing him gone and seeing the table knowing it is clean. I put a quick spell to clean the table of any bacteria. I gently put the man on the table.

I hear him hiss in pain. "I am sorry. I will do my best to heal you. Then you can come to do what you wanted." I say as I find the bleeding hold in his chest.

His eyes roll back in his head as it seems to become too much for him. "Dragon. This is not good. With him being out I will not know if he is still alive" I think with fear.

Knowing this will take everything I am. I take a deep breath, "Here goes nothing!" I say as I use everything in me. My hands glow a bright blue. My eyes shine an unholy light as I put everything I am to close the massive gash. I sway as I feel darkness at the edge of my vision.

I shake my head as I focus on closing the wound. I watch as the wound slowly starts to close. I hear fast footsteps coming this way.

"That is good. That someone is coming I do not know how much longer I can hold my magic to heal him." I think as I see darkness.

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