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A massive hurricane goes up the coast of Florida. Strong winds destroy everything in its path. People become trapped as the water rises. Their breathing comes faster as they fear what is to come. With never knowing they all panic.

Water against the ocean hits hard against the sides of the coast. The water in the ocean builds up. It moves together in sync getting higher. The people fear what is too come. They can do nothing as they shiver in their houses as one. As for once no one fights against another.

As unlike in a story. These are real people in a real life and death situation. No one can help them as these death situation appeared out of nowhere. All the emergency responders are trapped them selves. They can not answer the calls. They feel worthless as people are dying and they can do nothing.

People scream in fear with no help they can do nothing but hold on for dear life. Days later with no power and food everything seems so calm after so long of despair.

But not every thing was good everything they had was destroyed people were coming together to help others even with all the floods. For months the people will be looking for their things and their missing loved ones. While trying to build everything back to what it was.

Most of the people know nothing will be the same ever again. They can do nothing as they try to get back to their lives. Knowing it may be years that everything is the close to being the same.

The possessions they had were thrown across the state and into the ocean yet something makes them feel a sense of heartwarming that they can not escape.

Most of everyone's possessions where light on fire in a big pile as everyone came together to light the fire. A feeling of warth comes over everyone as they watch everything goes kaput. With a smile on those faces they feel a sense of happiness that has not been seen for what feels like years.

They watch with tears in their eyes as the stress of each disaster seems like such a long time ago. In each other's arms they feel like a sense of home and family that not many have felt since it all went down.

With the fire expensive paintings, dolls, and anything that can go to the fire lights and keep the people warm as they start to slowly rebuild houses.

Any stone, wood, or any type of building material was put to good use. As people used it to rebuild.

Cans of food was given to the local food banks for a lot of people lost everything. It was not as bad with what little food they found everyone had full bullies.

The people who sadly lost their lives where given a burial fit for those heros who did everything to survive something like this.

The things that were thrown into the ocean some of it may ever be recovered but some in a far away country will find it.

Everything that once was gone was fixed again but the people where never the same again. With holes in their chests that was not there before. Scars and lost limbs they are forever changed.

The only good thing about destruction is that the people come together unlike anything. The faith in humanity becomes changed in everyone's hearts as they band together to find what was lost.

This is a sad thing but the safest thing is events like this happen. The only thing we really can do is try to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. As only a second can past and a life will be over. A state will be broken.

Be safe out there as you never know when a disaster will strick.

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