Chapter 14

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Its been a lot of moons. Moonshine's kits are almost done with their training. And moonshine is also fully blind on her left eye from the battle. Today CinderStar left to go to the moonstone. MoonShine stayed in camp to do her duty's while shes gone. She took AshTail, Nightpaw, Silverpaw and graypaw with her. Its been a while when suddenly Silverpaw followed by Graypaw and Nightpaw stormed into camp. Silverpaw and NightPaw's eyes were widened of horror but graypaw was completly calm. Ashtail soon also ran into camp. »C-CinderStar is dead!« yowled Ashtail. What? That cant be true! »S-She got attacked by d-dogs and s-she...« murmured silverpaw. Ashtail ran outside and brought CinderStar's body into camp. Everyone was horrified when they saw CinderStar's dead body. A lot of cats were yowling. If Cinderstar is dead then im the leader now...
The elders went to bury her body. A day later Moonshine went to the Moonstone to recieve her nine lives and her leader name. She took Lilypetal, the medicine cat with her. When she was at the moonstone
she touched the moonstone with her nose. And she fell asleep. Upon awakening she was in the fourtrees and nine starclan cats were standing before her in a line. The first cat who was Stormfur walked to her and touched his nose to her forehead. »With this life i give you bravery. Use it well to defend your clan.« and he walked away. Then SpottedLeaf walked to her and touched her nose to her forehead. »With this life i give you Love. Use it well to care for everyone.« and she walked away. A flame colored cat walked to her and touched his nose on her forehead. »With this life i give you hope.« he walked away. Then came Blackdust. He touched his nose to her forehead. »With this life i give you Forgiveness. Use it well to forgive the cats who wronged you.« he walked away. The other gift's were trust, wisdom, patience, Sympathy and justice. Then Cinderstar walked up to her. »I hail you by your new name, Moonstar. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of ThunderClan. Defend it well, care for young and old, honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code, live each life with pride and dignity.«
The nine cats all cheered her name. Then she woke up. Moonstar and Lilypetal walked back to camp.

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