Chapter 5.

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"-I am Cassandra." The Woman introduced herself, holding her hands and a warm smile plastered on the Woman's face. "Mother." She heard Wolf's voice from next to her, her tone serious and it's demanding attention, a tone that needs to be taken seriously like a warning. Cassandra looked at her Daughter, taken aback and worried like she's done something wrong. "Ah, I apologize Dear, go eat your dinner and enjoy!" The Woman said happily, gently letting go of Ellenore's hands, and walking back to her seat.

When she got near Wolf, she ran a hand on her hair, a gentle stroke front to back. "Darling, there's no need to be serious all the time, we're not at work, our identities aren't at risk of being found, the Girl is harmless and kind..." The Woman explained in s gentle tone, while a worried look was displayed on her face. She gently strokes her Daughter's face and carressed it and placed a kiss on her head. She earned a grunt from her Daughter, which she laughs at as she takes her seat at the head of the table.

"You know, your Mother is right..." The man sitting from Cassandra's started, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "You take everything seriously like it's work! You need to let lose from time to time, Daughter." Wolf's Dad explained in an encouraging tone. "We could've hurt someone today who wasn't even deserving of it. Let alone, a family friend's sister." Wolf said coldly, not even bothering looking up as she slices her steak into a bite sized piece. That shut them up, the air grew cold.

The man looked down at his food, he seemed sad, he took a spoon full of her mashed potatoes but perks up and opens his mouth like he was about to say something, but quickly shuts it. He sighed. Cassandra reached out a hand to hold his, and he carresses it lovingly, and she smiles at him reassuringly and he smiles warmly at her. "Ahehem..." The man next to Wolf's Dad started, looking around nervously before he speaks. "So uh..." He says, Wolf shifts her eyes to him, half-lidded, cold, empty, piercing eyes as she slices a piece of her steak and puts it in her mouth.

The man gulped. Wolf focused on her food again, and that's when he speaks. "So about earlier, I apologize for what happened. And for referring to you as "prey", miss Everett. I realize now how cringey that was, I was trying to seem intimidating, sorry." He said nervously, not daring to look at his younger Sister. "And I also am sorry, I should've checked your info instead of... Not doing that..." Wolf's Dad spoke up, also avoiding to look at his Daughter. "And I also apologize, for making that mistake also."

Cassandra spoke up, after her Husband, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "You see, one of our old friends, reached out to us after a long time. They have helped us a lot before, and me and my Husband, Edward, thought that it is time we repay their kindness." Cassandra explained, nervously, glancing at her Daughter that was focused on eating her food, but she's listening in on the conversation. "They told us that they were being threatened and blackmailed... By their youngest Daughter. They used to be just like us, but they abandoned the Hitman, Assassin job and used their saved up money and built their now well known business."

"That said business is a cover up, they use it to transport things to certain places and companies..." Cassandra explained further. "We did not know who they really are, job rules. We were given names, and those names define us and our ranks in business, it's who we are, it's part of us." Cassandra explained and looked at her Daughter then back to Ellenore who was listening intently. "We did not know who they are outside the world of business. We didn't know that they were your Sister's Parents and we didn't know that you, were Victoria's sister, she always talks about you, you know."

Cassandra explained, with a warm smile, making Ellenore smile and find comfort at her Sister being mentioned. "If it wasn't for my Daughter, we wouldn't have found out, and for that I'm very thankful... But do not worry, we were never gonna hurt you, I realized that your parents may not what to hurt you, because if they did, they would've told us to kill you, and we would have, on the first sight, and I am sorry for that, I know that sounds horrible, and we are terribly sorry..." Cassandra apologized, Ellenore could see the remorse in Cassandra's eyes.

"It's alright Ma'am, I'm just glad that everything didn't turn out the way I expected..." Ellenore said, that earned her a thankful look from Cassandra and her Husband, and a sigh of relief from her Son. Ellenore was on autopilot the moment she got out of the SUV not really knowing what to do, her thoughts were a mess and she was just staring into space the whole time she was in Wolf's office. But she's starting to relax, though she's still a bit shaken. "Thank you for not hating us..." Cassandra said very thankfully.

Ellenore smiled, she's really relieved that they were such nice people, she couldn't even believe it. "Of course!" She said happily. "Um, may I ask?" Ellenore asked, looking at her half eaten food and then to Cassandra, her Husband, and their Son. "How do you know my Sister?" She asks as she takes a spoon full of her mashed potatoes, now that she's more relaxed, she's able to enjoy her delicious meal. "Ah of course! You're Sister, is married to my Eldest Daughter!"

Cassandra explained to Ellenore, very excited. Her Husband and Son smiled and they both nodded excitedly. "You're basically family!" Cassandra's Son exclaimed in excitement! "Yes!" Her Husband also exclaimed excitedly and he let's out a laugh that kind of sounded like Santa Claus's laugh. Ellenore let's out a chuckle after.

"Please, let me introduce our family to you..." Cassandra said, her eyes gleaming and her smile warm. "I would love to know everyone!" Ellenore said with a smile. "You already know me, but let me properly introduce to you my Husband." Cassandra said and she got out of her sent and went to stand behind her Husband, and put a hand on his shoulder which he holds and squeeze her hand lovingly, looking up at her and then back at Ellenore.

"This is my handsome and caring Husband, Frederick." She says in a loving and proud tone, and she moves behind her Son, and puts both her hands on his shoulders, she gives him a big smile and looks at Ellenore. "And this man, is my Son Varick! I'm very proud of the person he has grown into, as you can see, he's also very handsome like his Father!" Cassandra said, Varick gave Ellenore a bold smile.

Cassandra pinches his cheek before she walks back, running a hand on her Husband's face lovingly as she did, she stood behind Wolf. Who had just finished her food, and put her utensils to the side. Ellenore just noticed how... Professional Wolf looked or that's just how she generally is. With her back straight, maintaning a good posture and well mannered. Well, she doesn't really know how they're all like, it hasn't even been a day since she'd met them.

Cassandra gently placed a hand on Wolf's shoulder. "Mother." She said, letting her Mother know that she's acknowledged her. "You probably know this already, but this, is my Daughter." Cassandra said as she moved her hand from Wolf's shoulder, to her hair, and she's gently snd lovingly running her hand through her Daughter's short, messy hair, but Ellenore noticed that there might be something else in her expression, her eyes, for a second, Ellenore saw it, but then it's gone as soon as she saw it.

There was pain in her eyes for a moment. "As you may have noticed, she takes her job very seriously. She's always so serious all the time." Cassandra said in a teasing manner. "And I, am very very proud of her, she could at least take a day off and spend time with us and rest, because she hasn't stopped working the moment she started working." Cassandra said, her tone changing into a dramatically sad tone, teasing her Daughter, who's expressionless face changed into soft expression and then it's gone.

"This is my Daughter, Mi-" Cassandra was cut off by a phone going off and the sound of a car speeding, nearing their mansion. Ms. Priscilla came running in the dining room, out of breath, she quickly composed herself before clearing her throat. "Master Morgan and her wife Victoria, has arrived!" She announces, and then left to fetch the guests.

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