Chapter 7.

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"Oh Dear!" Cassandra exclaimed, quicly taking a napkin from the tray she brought in, gently cupping the side of Ellenore's and wiping the chocolate off gently. She was so focused on getting the chocolate off, she only noticed the wide eyed Girl looking at her hand that was placed on the Girl's cheek. Cassandra gently pulled away, a soft smile on her lips, her eyes soft and kind. "I'm sorry Dear... did I overstep a bit? That tends to happen a lot with me and my Children, I apologize." She said in a gentle, most motherly voice ever. "It's alright, Ma'am..." Ellenore replied, not knowing what else to say, she took another sip of her hot drink, looking away from the Woman that stood in front of her, with her hands clasped together in front. Ellenore glanced at her while taking another sip. Cassandra just smiles at her, even chuckling a little bit. Cassandra gently put her hand on Ellenore's head and lovelingly stroked her hair. "You're such a beautiful Girl, has anyone ever told you that...?" Cassandra asked in a soft voice. "I know you're probably not used to all of this, and you've probably lived your life walking on eggshells around your Parents... But, we're not your Parents are we?" Cassandra said to Ellenore who nodded, but is avoiding her gaze. "You don't have to feel that way anymore, Dear... I know it's something to get used to, but you're a strong and adaptive Girl, I know just by looking at you!" Cassandra said, in a joking manner but she meant what she said, which earned her a laugh from the blonde Girl.

Cassandra noticed that Ellenore seemed to ease up a little bit, and that warmed the Woman's heart. "How could her Parents hate her so much...?" Cassandra wonders, it brings pain, to think what her Parents might've done to the poor Girl all her life. Victoria mentioned a lot of times that her Sister was locked up in her room most of her life, barely being let out, but let out enough for people not to suspect anything, and her Parents tell guests, Family and Friends that she's not really an outdoor type of person. Cassandra cannot fathom how Parents could treat their Children in such a cruel, cruel way... Her heart aches for this sweet Girl. "Say... What's your favorite food, Dear?" Cassandra asked, sitting beside Ellenore, running her hands down tha back of her blush colored nightgown to keep it from wrinkling, adjusting her shawl around her shoulders aswell. Ellenore thought for a moment, after a few seconds, she perked. "I like lasagna..." Ellenore said shyly, scratching the side of her cheek. "I see, you and Wolf both like lasagna, she loves it when I make it for dinner, when she was little she'd be helping me in the kitchen make it, she loves helping me cook..." Cassandra happily said, but she trailed off on the last part... There was sadness in her eyes for a moment, but another moment later, it was gone.

"I bet you also like pizza" Cassandra quickly added, Ellenore's eyes lit up. "Yes! I do, Victoria always brings me my favorite foods whenever she comes to visit" Ellenore replied happily, remembering how she'd enjoy eating with Victoria, but Victoria would always seem a bit sad. Probably because their Parents would never let Ellenore out, especially when Victoria comes to visit. Afraid that Victoria might runaway, taking Ellenore with her. They can't let Ellenore ruin Victoria's perfect life. "Wolf also likes pizza, I mean, I see why, but she loves it. There was a time I was afraid she loves pizza more than me" Cassandra said, gesturing at Wolf who was sitting on the armchair, drinking her hot chocolate. With two hands. "Do you like it Hon? I put extra marshmallows on yours" Cassandra said in a loving, motherly voice, Wolf nodded at her. "Thank you Mother. It's very good." Wolf replied, her voice emotionless, but soft.

Cassandra smiled at her, for a few seconds, Cassandra's attention was focused on her Daughter. It's clear to Ellenore, that she loves her Children very much. It brings warmth to her heart which she appreciates. Cassandra and Ellenore kept chatting, Cassandra payed attention at how the blonde Girl relaxed each minute passing by. "She's warming up, I hope she gets used to everybody else aswell..." Cassandra thought to herself, while also listening to Ellenore talk about her Sister. A few more minutes went by, and they heard multiple footsteps coming closer. "I smell hot chocolate..." The footsteps all came to a halt, and then the sound our running filled the hall. "DIBS ON THE ONE THAT HAS MORE MARSHMALLOWS!!!" They heard as instense running and stumbling could be heard getting closer. "Ugh... I know that voice anywhere" Cassandra dramatically said, placing her middle, index and thumb on the sides of her forehead, rubbing circles on each side. Like a Mother would when her Children are running amuck, which is exactly what is happening. Wolf perked up in her seat, recognizing who the voice belonged to. 

Soon a raven haired woman rounded the the corner of the livingroom door, she almost made it through, but she fell down and was being yanked away by the ankle by someone, but she was clinging on the door frame for dear life. "RIIIICK! LET GOOOO!!!" She screamed dramatically, followed by Varick's voice saying "NO! I"M NOT LETTING YOU HAVE IIIITTT!!!" He screamed back. There was another pair of footsteps, and the Person jumped over the raven haired Girl still clinging on the door frame. "It's mine-" Said another raven haired but taller, but was cut off being tackled by Frederick. "Oh no you don't!" He said, laughing while playfully choking her. "Frederick! You too?!" Cassandra gasped. "Get off of your Kid right now, I expected better from you Erick!" She scolded, Frederick got off of the raven haired Girl, muttering a "Sorry Dear, ahem..." While helping, who Ellenore assumed is their Eldest Child, whom he also tackled. 

Varick came rushing in, pushing through his Dad to get to the coffee table. "Your Sister beat you to it." Cassandra deadpanned. "Aw..." He groaned in deafeat. Cassandra looked behind him, to see her other two Children, both in awe, looking at her youngest. "Pup...?" The raven haired by the door said, looking at Wolf. Wolf looked at her Mother, who gestured for her to go on. "Mauve, Morgan..." Wolf said their names in a way, her tone soft, shyly walking towards the two raven haired, the three of them kind of look alike in a way, you'd have to do a double take to realize they aren't triplets. "Micah, it is you..." the tallest of them said, she's probably the Oldest. "Morgan..." Wolf croaked, slowly going in for a hug, clinging at her Sister's suit jacket and pressing her face on her Sister's torso. "Oh Micah..." Wolf's oldest Sister said, hugging her tight. "Hey! What about me? Didn't you miss me too?" The other one said walking over to them. Wolf did the same to her, she's not letting them see her face. "I think she's crying..." Mauve said, looking at Morgan while patting Wolf's back. Morgan also started patting Wolf's back. "We're sorry we missed so many birthdays, Micah..." Morgan apologized gently. Wolf just stayed that way for a while, her Sisters consoling her. 

"A long awaited reunion, I see..." a voice from behind them said. "Victoria, welcome! Here, have some hot chocolate, sorry, most of the marshmallows melted, Dear" Cassandra said, greeting Victoria with hot chocolate and a hug. "Thank you, Mom" Victoria thanked her Mother in law and hugged her back. "Come, your Sister has been waiting for you..." Cassandra said, leading her to the sofa, where Ellenore rested, bundled up in blankets. "Vic..." Ellenore greeted, reaching her arms out to her Sister, who kneeled down in and accepted the hug, leaning down in her Sister's warm embrace. "I've missed you so much... I'm so glad you're finally safe and away from them..." Victoria sighed, hugging her Sister tight. Victoria gently pulled away, and cupped her Sister's face playfully and then placing kisses everywhere on her face, making Ellenore burst out in giggles, Victoria laughed with her. 

"Ah yes, everyone's getting a sibling reunion, while I'm just here and lonely." Varick said while dramatically falling to the floor. "Oh, sorry Dude, forgot you were here for a sec..." Mauve said in such a tone, you'd actually think she's serious. "Well dang..." Varick said, shocked and hurt. "I'm just kidding, get in here" Mauve said laughing, while gesturing for him to come join their hug session. "You two have grown a lot" Morgan said, looking at Varick and Micah. "Yeah, last I saw you, you were still a pup..." Mauve added in a mind blown tone. "I remember i could still carry both of you with one arm... how am I gonna carry you both now?" Morgan joked. Morgan, is just like Wolf, but she has emotion, there's always a small smile on her face whenever she's around her loved ones.

While Mauve, just looked mischivious when she smiles, she's more outgoing out of the four of them, but minds her business, unlike Varick, who's always up everyone's business. As a Child, Wolf had always shown interest in things her older siblings did while she's also has her own qualities, she spent more time learning and trying to do the exact same things her siblings did. She idolizes them.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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