Chapter 4

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Pein stroked his jaw, staring at the wall as he ran the details through his head, Kakuzu doing the same. He'd had no idea that this would be the end result, and although he was happy that he could get his bounty and get his revenge for being left behindtwice like that, he knew it wouldn't be so simple. If he had managed to find out both times that he was there and leave-if he had managed to avoid the Akatsuki for so long-then clearly he would be hard to pinpoint. Not to mention he didn't really know the whole situation with this guy, so he merely kept his thoughts to himself as Pein finally spoke up once more, half to himself and half to Kakuzu,

"The only problem is what to do now. Yes; we know he's in the area, but he's moving around, and doing so quickly. Not to mention he knows we're here too, and therefore we can't get information from the civilians; anyone could be one of his contacts. Plus, there could be some just generally in the forest, watching for movement-he might even know where the hideout is. In the space of what, half an hour? He managed to get away from you twice...he had the time to take all his things with him. We need to track him. The question is how? I don't think any of us could-and even if we could, none of them are here."

Kakuzu considered this, knowing everything Pein had said was right. They had to be subtle and stealthy with their plans, and sneak up on this guy in order to catch him. But it wasn't possible when he had eyes and ears everywhere; the moment they did get a lock on him, he was able to vanish. None of them had the tracking skills capable of allowing them to follow him regardless of where he travelled and what he did; of being able to hide them from his view. Sure, he heard rumours as he travelled, but that meant that others heard rumours of him, and he ran his mind over all he had heard from people while he had been in the area. It was these thoughts that meant he finally realised something, and smirking, he glanced over at Pein.

"But maybe...maybe we don't have to," Kakuzu abruptly cut in softly, causing Pein to look round at him with narrowed eyes, curious as to what he was thinking. As Kakuzu lifted his gaze to meet his, Pein silently questioned for him to tell him more, prompting Kakuzu to continue,

"I might know someone. Not personally, but-she's a bounty hunter, and she's renowned for what she does all over the place. She's got a big reputation with what she does because of her tracking skills-because of her power as a ninja. If anyone could find him...she could."

"Really? But how do you know where she is? Even if she could find him, you'd have to find her first," Pein protested, not about to get his hopes up when there could easily be a hole in this plan. But Kakuzu had it covered as he countered respectfully,

"She's in the area, though-I know she is. I heard the rumours when we first came into the area; she's working here-at least, for the time being. That means I could find her pretty easily with all she's most likely done while being here. She's not connected to the ninja villages, just a bounty hunter, after all, but still-I've heard that the ninja villages have come to her as a last resort because of what she can do. I wouldn't have mentioned her if I didn't think I could find her, Leader."

Pein paused, thinking this plan over in his head. He wasn't overly fond of bringing in outsiders to help with Akatsuki missions-you could never know who would rat you out and get you in trouble. But if the person in question wasn't associated with ninja villages, then they wouldn't be so willing to hand them information; considering she was a bounty hunter, it's not like she'd be in a lot of their good books. Plus, it's not like Kakuzu was a particularly trusting man; he was cautious when it came down to a lot of things in life. If he was willing to allow this girl to help out, then evidently she had some worth; Kakuzu was alright with letting her do so. He did bounty hunts as well, and therefore had more information on her than anyone else did-he'd be able to tell whether she was suited to the job or not. Though there wasn't full certainty, Pein would admit it, there rarely ever was; and if she tried to betray wouldn't end well for her, prompting Pein to nod in response, replying simply,

"Then start looking."

Returning the nod, Kakuzu opted to wait until morning before he began his search for her. Then he could pinpoint her movements in the area and find out where she would be stopping at night, then head over there when he'd got his answers. Otherwise, if he started now, half the people he could ask would be asleep, some would be on important missions and not willing to talk, and she'd be in place, not heading anywhere else for the day. If she was moving, then at least people would be spotting her and seeing what she was doing. So nodding to himself with that plan, he turned from the office and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing something to eat when he hadn't been able to do so before back in the village.

At least now his anger had dissipated.

"Well look at you; who knew you knew any women? I'd think most would stay fucking miles away from you, and yet you've got your little girlfriend?" Hidan abruptly cut in as Kakuzu peeled off his hood and mask to eat, and gritting his teeth at how Hidan always had to comment, Kakuzu didn't bother to turn and look at him as he responded as calmly as possible,

"How could she be my 'girlfriend', Hidan? I've never met the woman. I've heard of her when doing bounty hunts-through rumours-that's all."

"Bet you're looking forward to meeting her though, huh? Maybe if you pay her she'll give you something extra!" Hidan added teasingly, and finally telling him to get the hell out of there, he disappeared with a snicker. Kakuzu rolled his eyes at his behaviour, returning to eating, though knowing Hidan wasn't completely wrong. He did want to meet her; but just because of what he'd heard about her. If she was a bounty hunter, then they had to have something in common-more than anyone else in this place did.

So he couldn't help but look forward to it a little bit.

He went to sleep a while later, checking over his map as to where he should go, before eventually turning in for the night. Now that he wasn't so riled up about the bounty situation, he slept pretty peacefully, and felt even better when he realised he didn't have to bring Hidan with him. So getting up, he grabbed his hood and put on his cloak, slipping it over his shoulders and he went about his daily routine. He didn't bump into Hidan until he was eating breakfast, promptly telling him he could stay at the hideout and do what he wanted as he'd be searching for her the rest of the day. Hidan was more than happy to accept that fact, and Kakuzu breathed in deeply as he left the hideout alone. He immediately headed to the places he'd marked last night, and picked up on the rumours. He had subordinates around, in the same way Pein did, and there was that collection office nearby, so picking up on her movements wasn't too hard.

By the time the sun set, he had pinpointed your location and was heading there.

And he couldn't help but feel slightly curious about the prospect of meeting you.

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