Chapter 21

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For a while longer they stayed there, talking over what had gone on.

Several times Kakuzu retold the story—what had happened before he had discovered Ryoshi was missing and had figured out she'd been taken by Ketsu. But there was only so much Kakuzu could tell. When they had been going after Ketsu, they had separated, and Ryoshi had gone in another direction to make sure there was no way he would be able to escape; so he'd be cornered. What had occurred in that time, he hadn't a clue—only that he had stumbled across the consequences afterwards. The location had been close, but he hadn't heard any sounds. No clashing of weapons, no jutsus being performed...not even any conversation taking place that would reveal why she had been taken off guard and knocked out without a battle even having occurred. Something hadn't been right there—but Kakuzu couldn't understand what.

But eventually there was nothing more they could do, having looked over the place numerous times and finding nothing helpful, and with no other option but to return to the hideout and try and work out where he might have taken Ryoshi now. Kakuzu wasn't exactly happy with the situation, but he knew Pein was right—what else could be done if he stayed here? There were no signs or tracks that would lead him to Ketsu's location. All the information that could help him pinpoint it was back at the hideout, so that was his best bet. He couldn't let himself get overworked or overtired, either; that might give Ketsu the chance to get away. So he turned and walked with the rest back towards the hideout, though nobody tried to talk with him. Out of all of them, he needed time to think the most, though they didn't seem to be heading anywhere useful, simply circling round without reaching a destination.

Why had Ketsu taken Ryoshi? What purpose did he have for her? Did he think they would let him get away if he promised to let Ryoshi go? But that wouldn't make any sense; the moment she was free they could just get her to track him once again and follow his trail just like before. Maybe they thought she'd give them information on what the Akatsuki were doing. Though still, that wasn't logical. There was only a limited amount of information she'd know considering she didn't fully work for the Akatsuki, in order to be paid—something she relied on heavily—she had to keep her mouth shut, and what information could they want? The Akatsuki were trying to get information out of Ketsu, not the other way around. There were no specific plans that Ketsu could learn that would allow him to get away unscathed. Things weren't like that anymore.

True, by taking Ryoshi it meant she could no longer keep telling them where Ketsu was and use her tracking jutsu—which was the reason they had hired her in the first place—but that wasn't such a concern anymore. She had given them the area he was in, and after doing the jutsu for a second time, she had gotten a lock on, giving them more details about the area and the places he was frequenting. By searching through the maps they had and taking what information they did know, it wouldn't be so hard to find out Ketsu's location without her anymore. Yes, it would take longer to truly find him, but they would be able to. So why had Ketsu grabbed her? Was there more to his plan than anyone had realised? Though for the moment he shook that thought off. He didn't want to consider that kind of thing until all other options had been dismissed. And to start with, he needed to think about how to find out the truth. At least it wouldn't be hard to do so, even with the mission going on, considering the outcomes were similar. Pein wouldn't be bothered about him looking for Ryoshi—it was two birds with one stone!

But that optimistic attitude was hard to keep up as they all arrived back at the hideout. Kakuzu searched through the maps to try and find out where Ketsu might be, but he still came up with several locations, and uncertainty as to how to narrow the results down. He grabbed something to eat and came back, sitting heavily on his bed with a frown on his face, his gaze still hovering on the papers on his desk, before flopping onto his back and staring at the ceiling. What could he do? If only there was someway to contact Ryoshi—she'd at least understand how to deal with these maps; it was what she specialised in. Maybe he'd missed something—causing him to start pushing himself up and begin again with his research; only to pause while doing so. He couldn't keep up like this all night. He wouldn't get anywhere, he'd worsen his mood and exhaust himself by morning, leaving him unable to work the next day. Maybe he should just get some sleep instead. Though knowing him his dreams would be just as bad—

Only for something to occur to him.

"I'm making a connection between us, and I won't have to use the jutsu to talk to you if necessary, and it's two way. If you need to talk to me, you can do so. The easiest way is through just before you're asleep, as you might have guessed, but if you go into a deep state of meditation, then that can be possible too."

Ryoshi's words abruptly flickered into his head from when she had entered his dream to talk to him. She had said she had formed a connection between the two of them—a more literal one than the metaphorical one they already seemed to share. But not only that, she had said it wouldn't require the jutsu to talk, and that it was two way. That meant Kakuzu would be able to talk to Ryoshi by entering her mind, but he wouldn't need her skill with the jutsu to do it. Ketsu wouldn't be able to stop this from occurring, no matter what he'd done to her, whether it was a prison cell or otherwise. He hadn't done it before—or anything like it, for that matter—but it couldn't be too hard. He could figure it out. Ryoshi wouldn't have told him about it if she didn't think he'd be able to do it, and he had to at least try.

At any rate, it meant he was doing something to help.

Sitting up, Kakuzu began to move into a meditative position, before he paused and decided against it. This was his first time with the technique, after all, and Ryoshi had said the easiest way was by doing it just before you fall asleep—so that was the way Kakuzu would do it. Standing once more, he did the last of his routine in the bathroom, before throwing his cloak onto the chair and his mask and hood onto the bedside table. Then with that, he simply got into bed, staring at the ceiling all over again. Focusing on one spot only, he reduced his breathing, pushing away any other thoughts, and gradually felt the pull of sleep begin to tug at his mind, and closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, building up his chakra inside of him. Having not received instructions on what to do next, Kakuzu became uncertain as to where to go from there, but brought up a picture of Ryoshi in his mind and concentrated on that, remembering the feeling he had experienced when she had entered his dreams.

At first it felt like nothing was happening, and Kakuzu started to wonder if it anything would occur in the slightest, when suddenly something changed. What exactly it was, Kakuzu couldn't quite tell—but it was as if everything else apart from him had disappeared; like the world no longer existed. Considering the possibility of it having worked, he was certain it had as a room began to form around him; but not the one he had just been inside. Instead it was brick walls, brick floor, and apart from a pallet on the ground, it was empty. The window was barred, and glancing behind him he saw more bars blocking his exit. He was in a cell; and it was clear whose as a form finally appeared in front of him, sitting cross legged on the pallet and facing the back wall. Seeing it was Ryoshi, Kakuzu called out to her, quickly questioning as to whether she knew where she was or not; about what had happened, not knowing how long this thing would last. But her response wasn't quite what he had been expecting, as she merely turned to face the wall even more, turning her back on him completely without a word in reply.

And suddenly this felt like it wouldn't be so easy after all...

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