Chapter 18

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It wasn't too much longer from there that they finally reached their stopping point.

They were now in Ketsu's area, and if they had been coming from the southeast, they would have met up with the spies and lookouts Ketsu had dotted all around the area. For now, this part of the area was clear, but their pace would definitely have to decrease now they were here, as they would come across lookouts, albeit sparingly. Halting for a while, they took a break as they began to discuss the journey from here and how the plan would unfold. It allowed some time to fill in the others on the rest of the details, as they hadn't heard the full situation with the plan as they travelled, and so Kakuzu, Ryoshi and Pein filled them in. Crouched down in an area of forest hidden by trees and bushes, they explained everything quickly and quietly, making sure everyone understood, including with questions as Deidara chipped in,

"But what about our cloaks, un? They're on the lookout for the Akatsuki, so won't wearing them be a risk? If they spotted the symbol, then they'd sound the alarm, un!"

"No—it won't matter. Not now, anyway. Yes, they're on the lookout for the Akatsuki, and therefore Ketsu's told them all what you look like; shown them pictures, so they could spot you regardless of your cloaks. Why bother hiding them when they'll know it's you anyway? No; just concentrate on getting there and capturing Ketsu," Ryoshi shot back, everyone nodding in agreement.

With that, they began to get ready to head off, only pausing to allow Ryoshi to do the jutsu once more. This time she did so more thoroughly; making sure she had a lock on, on his position, along with a vague sense of where his ninjas were. Kakuzu once again was drawn in by the jutsu, somehow seeing it for a second time making it even more sublime than before. Clearly it had a similar affect on the rest of the Akatsuki, as they, too, couldn't take their eyes off of her, until around five minutes later she resurfaced, confident in his position and knowing there was nowhere he could run now to get away from her. Smirking in triumph, they all set off once more, advancing quickly but carefully, having to dodge several times to hide from the gazes of Ketsu's ninja. Ryoshi was swept up in that same thrill of the chase, even though it wasn't one of her bounty hunts, and led them through the trees with precision—a precision that even Pein was impressed at.

But she couldn't help but smirk as she glanced to the side and spotted Kakuzu right next to her, focusing just as intently—maybe even more—than she was. And right away she knew why, shaking her head slightly, sensing how he was feeling; being able to see just how tense he was; how prepared and ready for battle. Waiting a moment longer as they hid from another lookout, Ryoshi eventually decided to speak up, beginning casually,

"You're really looking forward to this, aren't you? Finally the chance to get your revenge."

"It might not be quite yet that I can get his bounty—but it's just one more step in the pathway to it, and I want it done with already," he quickly shot back, and still smirking, Ryoshi glanced over at him and met his gaze, calming him for a moment as she responded gently,

"And it will be, Kakuzu. We're not leading up to the 'step' anymore—we're smack bang in the middle of it. Give it a few minutes and it will be over."

Finally being able to smirk back at her—albeit in quite a malicious way—they all continued forward, spotting the building a little way ahead. Slowing right down now, they began to split up, half heading for the guards and lookouts to make sure no one got in the way, and the rest heading in the direction of Ketsu—Kakuzu included. Ryoshi pointed out where he was, and everyone made their own way over there, thinking it best to pen him in. With nowhere to go or to escape, they didn't doubt he would surrender. The fact he had been running from the Akatsuki this long proved he was a coward, and it's not as if he would be able to defeat one of them on their own, let alone the whole group at once. No; this fight was over before it even started.

The only problem being the rockslide that suddenly occurred.

Instantly Ketsu and the ninjas around him turned and spotted several of the Akatsuki, and their game was up. Now they would have to act fast in order to catch up with him and make sure he couldn't get away. Kakuzu and Ryoshi were both known to Ketsu now, but the other lookouts were being taken care of by the others, and they could take whoever decided to cross their paths, meaning they headed onwards swiftly. Ketsu headed upwards onto the ridge, trying to force his heartbeat and breathing to calm down, and not succeeding very well. He could be forgiven for that, however—most people would be scared if they had the likes of the Akatsuki heading after them! Spotting Kakuzu lower down the slope, Ketsu's heart clenched in his chest, and he tried desperately to come up with an escape plan. Though as Ryoshi appeared a moment later, heading through the lower slopes, densely covered by trees, Ketsu began to think he might just have one.

Quickly he called for several of his ninja and told them what they needed to do and what they would need to say once they had done so—watching as they completed it a minute later, landing in front of Kakuzu and cutting him off from continuing any further, while he changed direction and headed elsewhere. Kakuzu glared at them all, not about to let them stop him; he wanted Ketsu, and there was no one that would get in his way. It was something that Ryoshi knew as well, smirking to herself as she heard what was unfolding on top, knowing it would be over for the ninja very shortly. Revenge is a very strong driving point, and combined with Kakuzu's anger, he was focused on Ketsu only; nothing else mattered. But even Kakuzu wasn't ready as they abruptly began,

"You're working with Ryoshi now? That's a change, Kakuzu-sama! Surely Ketsu's not such a big deal anymore now that she's around."

Frowning in confusion at his words, Kakuzu shook them off, readying himself to attack them all and get rid of them in one fell swoop. But once again he was brought to a halt as another spoke up matter-of-factly,

"Yeah! I mean, think about the bounty she has on her head! Don't you want that kind of money? Or are you not willing to kill for it?"

"I know she has a big bounty on her head—and of course I want to have that money! And you know who I am and what I do—I'm willing to kill for most amounts of money; I don't hesitate when killing in any situation—and I won't now."

With that, he lunged forward, unawares as to Ryoshi standing on the lower slope below. She'd slowed to a halt completely, and couldn't help but stare blankly at the ground in front of her. She had admitted to herself that she respected Kakuzu and cared about his opinion in way she had never done with anyone else in her life. She had adapted her life to allow Kakuzu a place to fit in there. But she had also known they had both chosen independence as a way of life—that money was the only thing that mattered. She just hadn't thought, after the similarities they shared, that he would choose to dismiss her entirely. That he'd planning something else and she was nothing to him. It wasn't anger that appeared in her now; it was sadness. It was why she didn't notice the person appearing behind her until it was too late, slamming a hand into her neck and making her drop to the floor, unconscious. But what did it matter?

She had allowed herself to feel something for Kakuzu...

And instantly she was cut down.

When Money Isn't Good Enough (Kakuzu Story)Where stories live. Discover now