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Ugh I'm not excited for today. I thought to myself whilst getting dressed in the school's uniform which was brownish jeans and a normal button up top with a tie. I hated dressing in fancy wear.
"I'm heading off to school!" I yelled as I walked downstairs, my mother giving me a hug whilst crying.
"Have fun baby bro." My brother, Xornoth, said. He was so lucky to be homeschooled. I rolled my eyes and put on my backpack. To make matters worse it's the middle of the school year and I'm just joining in! I don't know why my parents had to move. I got to school rather quickly since it was about a 10 minute walk from my home. I walked inside feeling as others stopped to stare. I ignored them. The only reason that Xornoth was homeschooled was from him starting fights he used to go here and charmed everyone in the school. He also fought everyone. Whilst I was thinking I bumped into someone, well more like I walked into them...
"Are you alright?" I heard a girl ask, I looked up to see a girl with light pink hair.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just can't find the principal's office." I answered.
"I can help you find it!" She answered. I nodded and got up.
"My name's Lizzie by the way!" She said as we walked.
"Scott." I responded. We were walking for a while and then arrived at where I assumed the principal's office. I walked in and the principal greeted me.
"I do hope you're not like your brother. Anyways here's your schedule." She said softly. I nodded and bowed slightly as a thanks.
I took my schedule and went to my first class which was Maths... anything but maths! I'm horrible at it. I entered the class.
"We have a new student! Treat him kindly!" The teacher yelled. I took a seat without introducing myself. I didn't have to, everyone seemed to know me. Probably from my brother. I spent the whole class looking out the window at a little garden.
I'll eat there during lunch I thought to myself.
"Mr. Major can you answer this question?" The teacher asked. I brought my attention to the whiteboard. I wasn't paying attention at all and now everyone was watching me.
"Uhmm.. is it 6?" I asked.
"Close, Mr. Major, but that was incorrect. Does anyone know the answer?" The teacher went on. Lizzie raised her hand.
"Ah, yes Lizzie?" The teacher asked.
"The answer is 8, sir." She responded. I sighed my answer wasn't as close as I hoped it was. I just went back to looking out the window. After a few hours lunch finally came by. I went straight outside to the garden and pulled out my phone. It was vibrating all day.
How's school darling?
Do you have any friends??
Are you having fun?
Sent all at 8:15 9:20 and 10:30.
Read at 12:05

Everything's fine mom.
Sent at 12:06
Read at 12:06
I turned my phone off hearing some voices nearby.
"Joel, I swear I watched him come this way!" Lizzie said, to a much shorter boy.
"Well I don't see him Liz." He responded. I got brought out of thoughts from screaming I looked up and there was Xornoth. He walked right up to me.
"You forgot your lunch, mom told me to give it to you." He said, handing me a blue bento box. I smiled softly.
"You know you're actually such a softie." I whispered and hugged him. He hugged me back and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah." He responded and walked back to his car. I sat down and opened my lunch knowing that he made it. I started eating.
"SCOTT THERE YOU ARE!" Lizzie said.
I looked up and saw Lizzie along with two other boys one being Joel the other I don't know.
"This is Joel and Jimmy!" Lizzie said. I nodded and finished eating. I ignored the talking next to me they were saying something about Xornoth. I tuned into the conversation a little hearing a few things about him hugging me and other things.
"You guys know that he's truly a huge softie. He just acts tough." I say softly.
"Really? He was always so rude to us!" Jimmy said.
I shrugged and looked at my phone, it was almost time for my next class. I quickly rushed into the school and too my next class. I was basically panting when I got into the class. And yet.. the classroom was empty. I just took a seat. I sat by the window. I looked out the window at the flower garden.. I didn't get a chance to actually sit there. I was confused cause everyone was talking about Jimmy being like, a sheriff. I was deep in thought when someone tapped my shoulder.
"Class is over, Scott." The voice said.
"Oh, Jimmy! Uhmm are you actually a sheriff?" I asked.
"Yeah I am, well in training." He responded and took my hand. I realized that the school day was finally over.
"Bye guys!" Lizzie yelled. We all waved bye. I took out my phone and texted someone.
Xornoth can you pick me up?
Sent 3:05. Read 3:07
Sent 3:07. Read 3:08
I sat on a bench and waited for Xornoth. When he finally arrived I got into the passenger seat. I looked out the window.

"How was school?" He asked.

"Pretty good I made friends, how's Joey?" I asked
"Ah, he's good." Xornoth responded. I was watching the trees as we drove past. When we got home my mom instantly hugged me.
"My little baby!! How was school? Did you make any friends? Do you have a crush?" She asked.
"One question at a time. But to answer it was good, yes, and no." I responded. She smiled and got to work on dinner. I walked up to my room and sat down on my bed. I took out my phone, I completely forgot that Lizzie gave me her number. I texted her.
Hey it's Scott!
Sent 3:30
Read 3:30
The next thing I knew I was added to a group chat.

Lizzie: I added Scott!
Joel: oh, hey Scott!
Hey! :Scott
We decided to call.
"Hey guys!!" Lizzie said.
"Hey!" Joel responded. From Lizzie's phone.
"Oh are you guys together?" I asked.
"Yeah." Lizzie responded.
"Oh I've got to go!" I said and hung up.
"COMING MUM!" I yelled.

1108 words :)

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