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I woke up the next day and slowly sat up. I pulled out my phone to check the time.. 5 am.. not that bad. I thought to myself as I stood up and got changed. I changed into a multicolored sweater and a t-shirt along with jeans. I walked downstairs and to the kitchen.

I made some food and sat on the couch turning on a little show to watch. I was up for another hour put slowly felt myself drifting off.

When I woke up again I heard faint voices, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I slowly sat up and then stood. I walked to the voices.

"Sleeping beauties awake!" Joel joked.

"Shut up.." I mumbled.

"Sleeping beauties fiesty!" Joel laughed. I rolled my eyes and made a cup of coffee. I waited for it to finish then took a sip.

"Sleeping beauty drinks black coffee?" Lizzie continued the joke. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Where's Tim?" I asked.

"IT'S JIM NOT TIM!!" I heard a yell from upstairs.

"Is he lost..?" I asked. Lizzie and Joel looked at each other.

"Yeah.." Lizzie laughed. I sighed and walked upstairs.

"Jim!" I called out, once he heard my voice he made his way to me.

"How'd you get lost? You're room is right next to the stairs." I sighed and brought him downstairs. I took his hand and walked downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Found him!" I called out once I entered the kitchen.

We both ate and then I went to the living room.

"I'm bored.." I groaned. Jimmy laughed softly. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms out, I looked at Jimmy.

"Don't be laughing Timmy~" I teased. His face became red in the face. I laughed a bit with Lizzie and Joel joining in.

Only 301 words.. motivation = 🫥 but I have to post something. :'

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