* ᴛᴡᴏ - ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏ *

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The two boys had no idea what was going on now, their parents didn't seem to be diverging too much about what their plan was. But, they did know two things. One, they could stay here in the wreckage that was now Musutafu and take years renovating to get their properties back to the condition they used to be in. Which would cost an awful lot of money. Not to mention that their parents had to raise Midoriya and Bakugo as they did that, which would be an awful lot of effort on their behalf. Too much effort.

Then, there was their second option. They could move away, to somewhere much safer for them, and live happily there. Of course, it was up to Katsuki and Izuku if they wanted to come back to Musutafu at a later date. And of course, their parents chose the second, safer option. 

Masaru had been left to take care of Izuku and Katsuki whilst Inko and Mitsuki went back to their abandoned, destroyed houses, and collected the money that both families had been saving for emergencies like this. They came back two hours later and confirmed that their properties were destroyed so much to the point of no return. There wasn't a hope in hell in getting them back to what they used to be. 

It had taken a few hours for the two small families to reach the nearest open port, and find a ship to board. However, tickets had to be acquired to board the ship, and finding the right person who was willing to supply the tickets to them was a surprisingly difficult feat. But, that wasn't going to stop them leaving the absolute carnage that was now Japan, and Mitsuki was the person who managed to get them the tickets in the first place. Her general outgoingness was the trick. She just bounded up to someone standing at a stall and told them that they needed tickets for the HMS All Might. She got lucky, and it turned out that it really was the ticketmaster whom she had found and she bought tickets for all five of them. Three adult tickets and two child tickets.

Izuku sighed, a little bit scared of the grand sight in front of him. He was making his way up the slope that led them into the HMS All Might, whilst his small, soft hand clung onto Katsuki's. Katsuki himself had a huge grin on his face, he was just excited to see what it would be like going on a ship. And he wanted to experience it with a smiling, happy Deku by his side, not a miserable one.

Mitsuki presented their tickets to the man standing next to the boat and after proving who they were, they were allowed to go onboard the boat. They were told where their cabins were, and were given a map where all the important places of the ship were intricately labeled.

Katsuki and Izuku stepped onto the wood of the deck, hand in hand, and had extremely conflicting views on that matter, Katsuki enjoyed the light sea air brushing his pale blond locks. However, the very smell of the sea air was enough to make Izuku feel queasy, and the boat hadn't even been undocked yet.

"Kacchan, I don't like it..." Izuku whined, nuzzling into Katsuki's side. The blond-haired infant looked down at his very cute friend and wrapped a comforting arm around him. It was very nice, and Izuku felt just a bit more happy.

"Why don't we go check out our deck then?" Katsuki suggested, a small smile occupying his features. Izuku nodded in agreement, happily.

And so, the two of them made their way down a few nearby stairs that led to deeper down in the deck. The steps were just a little bit too big for Izuku to step down on his own, so Katsuki helped him by picking him up every now and again so he could be moved to the next unreachable step. Eventually, they made it down to the floor and now they were faced with the dilemma of where on earth was their cabin anyway? Maybe it had a room number or something?

"Deku, you've got the map, right?" Katsuki asked, subconsciously taking a step closer to Izuku. Izuku nodded, and dove into his pocket to retrieve the map out of it. He studied it for a little while, before finding the number of their cabin. 

* 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 | ʙᴀᴋᴜᴅᴇᴋᴜ *Where stories live. Discover now