Part 1

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I looked out of the small aeroplane window as the airport came into view and we started getting ready to make our descent into Indianapolis international airport. It was January 1990 and I was finally getting to my intended destination after 2 flights, including an overnight layover and what felt like a whole week of travelling. I suppose I should explain a little about myself and why at the age of 21 I was leaving good old Blighty for the US of A to go and live with my Dad's best friend and business partner, well his 21 year old son anyway.

My Dad had grown up in Hawkins, Indiana and left for the UK in the 60's to set up offices for the business he and Mr Harrington started together. However, upon setting up office in England contracts weren't the only thing he was signing. He met my Mum and they got married and along I came in the Summer of 1968, just a few weeks after Mr and Mrs Harrington had welcomed a bouncing baby boy called Steve. We had grown up together over the phone, holidaying as families in the Caribbean, skiing together in the Winter and when leaving school I joined the family business while Steve worked in a video store. Let's just say his Dad wasn't as supportive as mine and made sure Steve knew he was a disappointment which made Steve rebel against his Dads wishes even more.

However, Steve and I hadn't seen each other in over 5 years, once he turned 16 he stopped coming on the family holidays and although we still spoke on the phone regularly we hadn't had a proper face to face catch up in too long. Now here I was flying from my home in Watford, England to Indiana for at least 6 months to look after the Indiana office while Mr and Mrs Harrington jetted to Thailand to set up new offices there.

The Jet bumpily landed on the concrete runway and I felt a wave of relief flood over me, the flying was the one part of the job I hated. Indiana this time of year certainly wasn't as warm as I hoped America would be but at least I had been made aware by Steve to wrap up warm. I disembarked and went to retrieve my luggage before heading out to pick up where I was advised Steve would be waiting for me before finally starting the last leg of the journey to the house which would be my home for the foreseeable.

I walked through the airport's double doors and placed my luggage down before looking around for a familiar face. It didn't take too long before I spotted a familiar smile, for the first time though I couldn't help but think that Steve was actually very attractive and in typical Steve fashion there he was chatting up a flight attendant. I watched for a few minutes before the attendant finally left Steve alone and I was able to go and say hello without feeling as though I was interrupting something. I have to admit though that I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the smile she was getting. I had never felt that before when watching Steve with another girl, in fact I used to help him get the ladies when we were teenagers now it seemed as though I wanted to be on the receiving end of his charm.

I composed myself, I couldn't fancy Steve, we were like family, I was obviously just shocked at how mature and handsome he now was. I picked up my luggage and made my way over to the car. Steve was still following the flight attendant with his eyes when I decided to alert him to my presence. "Alright Casanova, put your eyes back in your head." Steve spun his head towards me, gave me his biggest cheesiest grin, so big it made those beautiful brown doe eyes of his light up and ran over to me embracing me as though we were long lost lovers.


"Alright Casanova, put your eyes back in your head." I heard the all too familiar almost cockney accent and spun my head in the direction of the voice. I smiled before running over and embracing Amy as though my life depended on it. I have to admit though that in all those years of holidaying together I never noticed that smile of hers. Amy had always been on the chubby side but I didn't realise until now that she had all the curves in all the right places and a smile that could melt hearts. It was certainly melting mine.

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