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Amy's POV

10 long years have passed since the business trip that changed my life. I am no longer Miss Amy Hunter, I am now known as Mrs Amy Harrington, Vice President of Hunton enterprises Stateside and Mother of 3. It didn't take long for Steve and I too realise that we were forever and nothing or no one was going to break us. And trust me when I say that people, namely my Dad tried.

My Dad didn't speak to me for a good 18 months after I apparently broke Jeremy's heart even with work events he would go through Steve's Dad. He certainly got a shock when he flew over for a conference and decided to visit me and see why I wasn't in the office. I opened the door with a swollen 6 month gone belly and a nice shiny rock on my hand. That was the first he knew of Robin Jane and then 3 years later the twins, Dustin Edward and William Michael followed. Looking back now I can't help but think that I should have had more of a say in what Steve chose for the names of them.

One thing I can say for certain is that Steve finally got what it was that he wanted in that he was a stay at home Dad while I worked both in office and from home before the kids started school. As a wedding present Steve's parents bought us the house next door to them so that when I am working away (which is not much at all as I try and be a more present parent than ours were) Steve's Mum helps with the brood and she is more present in the kids lives than she was in Steve's because she now travels less too. Although you can see that it hurts Steve at times I think secretly he loves that she is so active in their upbringing.

Now that all 3 of the kids were at school Steve had started doing something with meaning, he ran an outreach programme for disadvantaged kids teaching them how to play basketball and Dustin would occasionally volunteer with teaching them how to play Dungeons and Dragons. I really don't think that life could get any better for us than it is right now.

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