Part 3

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The next week went by in a blur of sleeping, messing around and meeting Steve's friends. We hadn't kissed again since and I hadn't heard from Jeremy or my Dad either. It seemed certain to me as though Steve and I were just destined to be friends despite the conversation we had. Things had gone back to how they were before the first kiss and although disappointed I tried not too show it as I didn't want to risk making things awkward or even the possibility of losing Steve altogether.

"So Amy is it true that the Queen has, like, 100 bedrooms in that one big house in London with the flag outside?" Asked Robin as well as asking me a lot of other questions about Britain.

We were all sat at Steve's in the living room. Robin at one end of the L shaped sofa, Dustin at the other end and me and Steve in the corner as well as Max on the floor. She was offered a spot on the sofa too but seemed more content on the floor. She was lovely but very quiet.

I stood up and spoke to the others. "I'm just getting a drink. Anyone else want a can of pop?"

Everyone looked at me in confusion. Steve scoffed before translating for me. "She means does anyone want a soda." I punched Steve playfully in the arm and then ruffled his hair knowing that annoys him. He pulled me down onto his lap and started tickling me.

"Pack it in Stevie." I squealed between giggles. "I will tell them what I called you as a kid." Steve stopped tickling me instantly and our eyes locked. It took a few seconds but Dustin coughed making us realise we weren't alone and that we were being watched. I stood up and brushed myself off hoping that the blushing wasn't too obvious. "So, soda's anyone?"

Everyone told me what they wanted and I went off to the kitchen to get them. Once out of sight I heard them all talking. "So Stevie, do tell? What is going on with you and Amy? I thought she was like your Sister." I heard Dustin and Robin quizzing him.

"She is..I mean she was. Turns out I love her just not the way that I thought that I did. She's amazing, loyal, fun to be around, caring and way out of my league. She had someone back home but she wasn't happy so I have told her she can stay as long as she needs too. I just don't want to be a rebound, that could end nasty for the both of us and I don't want to hurt her. She needs time. I would rather love her from afar and still be in her life as a friend than risk it all and lose her altogether."

So that was why he wasn't making a move. My heart was fine it never belonged to Jeremy. Truth be told I think it had always belonged to Steve, I just never realised it until now. My heart and my head knew exactly what they wanted. I needed to show Steve I was his if he would have me and I wanted him to be mine if that was what he definitely wanted as well.

I came back in with soda's for everyone and made sure to act as though I hadn't heard anything. "So what are we all chatting about?" I placed the soda's down and went back to sitting next to Steve but decided to make things obvious for him. I sat with my legs up and snuggled into him as we did most nights in front of the TV. Steve just naturally placed his arm around my shoulders as he always did.

Robin just looked at him and raised her eyebrows before talking. "We were just saying actually how we all need to get going, lost track of time. I have a shift in an hour and I said I would drop Dustin off at home then Max is taking me to work so she can borrow my car to meet Lucas. So we are going to go and leave you pair to it." With that they all got up and left me and Steve alone.

Steve seemed a little uncomfortable and on edge but I wasn't sure as to why other than what they were talking about while I was in the kitchen. I repositioned myself so that I was sat on his lap with my arms around his neck, in response he wrapped his around my waist. "What's up Stevie?"

"I'm good Amy." I gave him a knowing look. "Honestly."

"Ok, I suppose that I should talk then." Steve looked confused but kept his grip on me. "I don't need time. I heard everything that was said. I am not out of your league and what I need is you. I need you to tell me how you feel, tell me what you want. I know what I want and it certainly isn't Jeremy. Everything I need is here so why are we holding back? Why are we not allowing ourselves to be happy?"

"I will tell you that what I want is right here in my arms. I need to know that you want me as much as I want you. That you want to stay here because you want to stay with me and not just stay away from him. I have spent 21 years learning to love you, loving you this way feels as natural to me as breathing. I have always loved you. When you broke your favourite toy when we were 5, I gave you mine. When I poisoned you with thanksgiving pancakes when we were 13, I sat up all night rubbing your back as you threw up. When that dingus cheated on you and broke your heart when we were 17, I fedexed you a huge box of break up candy and sat up all night talking to you for 3 days while you cried. If that isn't loving you then I don't know what is."

"That is exactly what love is we just didn't realise it. I want you and I want to stay here with you. If needed I will work at Family video with you if that is what it takes for me to be able to stay with you. What do you say Stevie boy? Do you want me to stay here and love you as much as you love me?"

With that Steve tightened his grip on me and passionately kissed me. Before either of us knew what was happening we had removed each others tops right there on the sofa. Our hands were busy exploring each others bodies as our tongues danced together. We were so into the moment that we hadn't heard Robin come back in.

Robin cleared her throat. "Sorry guys, forgot my wallet. I'll just grab it and let you both get back to whatever this is." Robin grabbed her wallet and turned to left. "Ha, nothing happening, just friends my ass."

We both looked over towards her, mortified. My hands firmly on Steve's cheeks and his hands on my waist as well as my legs wrapped around his waist. When she left Steve placed his forehead against mine and we both burst out laughing. "Steve do you want to maybe go and lock the door?"

Steve got off of me and walked towards the door locking it as I got up off of the sofa and followed behind him.


I chuckled as I got up off of the sofa and went to lock the door. Amy got off the sofa and followed behind me. "Where do you think you are going lady? I haven't finished with you yet. I swear to God if Buckley has ruined the moment I will not forgive her and she will have a month of Sunday inventory. Alone."

Amy smiled over her shoulder at me as she started walking up the stairs. "She hasn't. I just thought that maybe we could take this upstairs. My room or yours Stevie boy?" I stood at the bottom of the stairs a little in shock that after all this time I was about to have sex with Amy. "Are you coming or do you not want me now Frogger? Get hopping and come and get me." Damn it, she used the name.

I stood rooted to the spot and then saw Amy leaning over the banister. "Stevie? Don't keep me waiting." Something hit me in the face and as it did I heard Amy giggle. It was her bra.

"Oh you are in for it now lady, get in that bedroom." I started sprinting up the stairs taking 2 at a time and got to the landing just as Amy was turning left into the hallway. I could still hear her giggling. I continued racing my way towards her realising as I tripped that I had caught my feet in her jeans. "Marco?"

I could still hear her giggling as she replied. "Polo." I went to my bedroom door which was wide open to see her lay there on my bed in nothing but a pair of baby blue panties. She knelt up and crawled to the end of the bed sitting on her feet as she balanced. "Well? Do you like what you see?"

I ran towards her, wrapped my arms around and kissed her deeply and longingly. "Does that give you the answer that you need?"

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