Part 2

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I left Amy alone in her room to get herself sorted and made my way back downstairs. I grabbed us a couple of cold ones from the fridge and started to relax on the sofa. I settled in the corner of the L shape and composed myself. I didn't fancy her, or so I was going to keep telling myself, I was just shocked at how she had matured and that was all. I heard Amy making her way back to the lounge, took a deep breath and glanced over to the archway, smiling as she appeared.

What the hell was happening? What the hell was wrong with me? As soon as I saw her curvy rounded figure standing in the archway to the lounge in those shorts I could feel something was awakening within me. Something that I told myself I shouldn't be feeling for her. I had to compose myself as she made her way to come and sit next to me on the sofa. She saw me as a friend, a brother figure even and nothing more.

We had a giggle together, ate some pizza, discussed our film for the afternoon and then Amy snuggled into me and pulled the blanket over herself just like we always had during movie nights together. I couldn't help but have to reposition myself slightly though as she did so just to ensure that she didn't notice something waking up. Especially when she pulled my arm around her shoulders the way that she used too when we were kids as well. This was a girl I had always loved like a sibling but now after 5 years of no face to face contact I could feel that the love was still there but it didn't feel as though it was as innocent or familial as it used to be. It felt so much stronger than I had ever felt before with anyone, Nancy included.


Before I knew it we were 4 beers each down and it was definitely getting a little too warm under the blanket. The film had finished and we had even had the chance to watch a second movie. I could feel the tiredness creeping in now though. Steve still had his arm wrapped tightly around my shoulders and we had spent all evening sat like this. Part of me didn't actually want to move him but I knew I needed my bed. I looked at him and smiled before speaking. "I'm going to get my ass up too bed, if you don't mind. I'm starting to feel a little too tired to watch a third."

"Of course Ames. To be honest you stayed awake a lot longer than I thought that you would. Have you got everything you need?"

"Yes ta Stevie. Night then." I leant up to kiss him on the cheek as I had always done when we had spent nights together, however this time he turned his face towards me and our lips pressed against one another. Neither of us pulled away immediately but allowed ourselves to enjoy the kiss a little and at one point Steve even placed a tender hand on my cheek as though he was starting to get a little too into it. When we pulled away I tried to make a joke of it. Once I had managed to catch my breath I spoke. "Do you kiss all your house guests like that Stevie?"

"Sorry Amy. I didn't mean too." Steve abruptly stood up and started pacing the lounge with one hand on his hip and the other running through his hair. "Must just be force of habit when snuggling with a beautiful woman. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it was nothing. I think you just got lost in the moment, a woman curled up with you watching a movie and a few beers. Forget it. Anyway, I am making my way up the wooden hill and I will see you in the morning. Night Stevie."

"Umm yeah, night Amy." Steve hadn't looked up at me as I walked out of the room and I could still hear him pacing and muttering something under his breath as I left to head towards the stairs.

I made my way up to my room thinking about nothing but that kiss. If that was how he kissed women he didn't fancy then I could only imagine how he kissed the women he did. I jumped straight into bed and although tired I couldn't sleep. All I was able to think about was that kiss, the way that he held my cheek and the way that neither of us immediately pulled away. We were now both adults and at 21 that was the first time either of us had shown more than friendship between us. As we said though it was probably just an accident. Part of me deep down couldn't help but hope that that wasn't the case though.

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