Your cuddles

My little spoon.

That's what you are, you're my world, my baby, my flower, my everything. And when we can just lay in bed and hold each other's body, it feels like the world has stopped. Like everything slowed down so I can hold onto the moment forever.

I hold you tighter when you cry and I hold you just as tight when you're asleep. Because I never want to let go.

You're soft and lovely and I could sleep forever in your arms. When you breathe gently against my neck or I feel the beautiful skin on your stomach when we're spooning I'm so so happy.

You always ask why I hold you so much. I just say that I love you. And that's true, but there's more.

I love to hold you, because then, I'm holding the world.

50 Reasons I Love You || l.s. short storyWhere stories live. Discover now