Cloud watching with you

When we were younger, we'd run away early in the mornings to fields and meadows. And we would watch the clouds and run around. Tickle each other till we had no more breath and say what shapes each one was.

Every time, you managed to find a rabbit (it looked like a shark with ears). And you eventually just named him.

Thumper was his name.

I asked and you just said it was because it reminded you of me, and I always called you Bambi. You said: 'And who's Bambi if there's no Thumper?'

I still think about that, and I still call you Bambi.

Your head would also lay on my chest and at one point, you'd get tried and just flop onto me. Caring about me as your pillow more than the actual clouds. But I loved it.

By the way, I also named a cloud for you. It was a deer and I decided to call it Bambi.

When I miss you, sometimes I see the same cloud in the sky, and I think you're saying hello.

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