
And finally, the thing I will always love the most in this world is you. Because you'll always be you.

You'll always be my best friend and soulmate. That will never change. I thought I'd never be able to live without you, and I'm still struggling. I always will.

But you're the reason I am now fighting to be okay. I'll never be okay again because I'll never have you with me. You turned a sassy, rude boy that hated love into someone that could love.

And I love you, some people say loved in this situation but I refuse because that would signify that that said love is gone. And it isn't. It will never leave since I'll never stop loving you Harry.

There's millions of reasons why I love you, but I have chosen these 50.

50 reasons for every day you've been away from me. 50 days you've no longer walked this earth, 50 days since you took your last breath, 50 days you have been in the sunsets and 50 days I have missed you. Every one of those for every day I have wanted to join you in the sky. But also, 50 days I have cherished every little thing that contains memories of you.

You will never disappear from my mind and I will never find another like you. Probably never love like I love you.

That would feel like cheating because technically, we never broke up and technically, I am still married to you and technically, you still love me...and I can't just love another knowing that.

I'm not going to move on. Not now, not ever.

I've already told you that, because we've had this conversation. No matter what you do or what I do, or what someone else does, some part of me will always be stuck to you. Why? There's so many reasons, but at the same time I don't know.

Maybe it's because you were the first (and will always be) person I've ever truly, unconditionally loved. Maybe because you're the first person to give me this much love.

But no matter the reason, I could never stop loving you.

You will never read these, not physically at least. But maybe you're watching over me now. The day after you slipped from my finger tips, there was a rainbow when I woke up.

I cried. I cried and I screamed and I wanted to leap right off our roof so I could see you again.

But then, I remembered that the rainbow represented you. Represented that even if I can't hold you, you'll still be here.

The number of reasons I love you are infinite. And I'll love you for infinity.

Most of them will never be said out loud. And that's okay, because I know them. I'll forever know them. I'll love you forever.

I want to end these letters with a thank you.

Thank you for loving me in the way you do. Thank you for every beautiful memory I will now hold onto. And thank you for teaching me how. How to love someone.

But the very main reason I love you Harry Edward Styles is because you'll always be Harry. You'll always be you.

And I love you.

That, will never change.

-Your boo bear,

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