2 - Leave This Place

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Ransom just looked at me and went to stand up. "No, stay there." I said as he sat down. He sat down and I walked over to him. He groaned as I straddled his lap.

"What the hell Clo?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Ransom, I have to in case someone walks in." I said and he sighed. He placed his hands on my hips and I pushed them off.

"No touching." I said and Ransom shook his head.

"Rules don't apply to me Clo, not now." Ransom said. He looked down and traced the tattoo I had of books stacked on my hipbone.

"This was only supposed to be for only me to be see." Ransom said and I shrugged placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Yeah well there were a lot of things only meant for you to see but you decided drinking was more important." I said and went to get off his lap and he grabbed my hips hard keeping me on him.

"Stop, I want to just talk to you. No one in social circles has seen you. You moved out of your old place and no one could find you." Ransom said and I sighed.

"My parents know." I said.

"They wouldn't tell me shit." Ransom said.

"I wonder why..." I said and Ransom sighed.

"Your parents know about this?" Ransom said motioning to the room around us. I just laughed.

"Hell no." I said and Ransom half nodded. Ransom just started looking all over my body.

"They are all still there Ransom." I said and he turned to look at my side.

"One is missing." Ransom said and I sighed. I got up from his lap and went over to the water. I put some on a napkin and wiped the coverup off of the Q tattoo with a crown and heart underneath it. He ran his fingers over it.

"Why do you cover this one up?" Ransom asked.

"It hurts too much. Hurts too much to see a lot of these." I said and Ransom said, placing his head on my chest since I took my spot back straddling him.

"Clo...I've missed you." Ransom whispered and I shook my head.

"No, you don't get to do this. You don't get to come into my place of employment, pay for a private dance and then tell me you miss me while looking for all my tattoos." I said and Ransom growled.

"You want this to be fair?" Ransom asked and I didn't say anything as he grabbed the bottom hem of his shirt and took it off.

"Ransom!" I said and he shook his head.

"You wanted to see I still have mine then there ya go." Ransom said and I sighed. I noticed the old ones, some new. I saw his king tattoo that matched my Queen one. I then saw the Roman numeral tattoos he had on his right bicep, my birthday, the day were started dating and I ran my fingers over the new one.

"The day you left me." Ransom said as tears filled my eyes. I then across to over his heart and I saw angel wings.

"Ransom..." I said and he shook his head.

"For her." Ransom said. And I showed him the charm bracelet tattoo I had on my wrist that also had angel wings.

"We didn't know if was a her." I said and he shook his head.

"A dad always knows." Ransom said as a few tears fell. He reached up and wiped them away. Ransom then saw the 2 quote tattoos I had and he only knew of the one. He ran his fingertips over them.

"This one is new." Ransom said and read the tattoo out loud, had to move my bra to see so he moved it.

"Through every dark night there is a brighter day." Ransom said and I sighed and nodded.

"I like that, but I still like this quote better." Ransom said pointing to the other quote that read 'I will always hold on to you' It was a tattoo Ransom picked.

"Yeah if only it was true." I said and he groaned. I ran mine over his side where the rest of the quote was 'And I will never let you go.'

"Ransom...why are you here?" I asked and he sighed.

"They guys brought me out." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"No, the private room Ransom...why?" I asked and he sighed.

"I saw you, I knew it was you even in that horrible wig. Take it off kitten." Ransom said calling me my pet nickname he always called me. I sighed and took it off. I shook out my chestnut-colored hair that had a slight wave and hit below my shoulders. "There's my girl." Ransom said and I gave a small smile. He leaned up still holding my hips and his lips connected to mine. I pushed away slightly.

"We can't..." I said and he shook his head.

"I don't fucking care." Ransom said and pulled my lips back down to him and I moaned as he did and instinctively started grinding on him. Ransom growled and I smiled in our kiss knowing I still had slight control over him. Ransom wrapped his arms around my waist and flipped me down to where I was pinned on the couch. I just looked up at him.

"Ransom, we really can't, if someone walks in..." I said and he shook his head.

"I need to touch you, I need to feel you. I don't care if I just kiss you." Ransom said as his lips attached to mine. I hated to admit I missed this man's lips on mine. I moaned as he moved down to my neck and licked up to my earlobe and then gently bit my earlobe.

"Kitten, leave this place. Come back to me." Ransom whispered in my ear and I just ignored him. I bucked my hips to him and he groaned as I felt him hard in his pants and I smiled knowing I still had this effect on him.

Ransom took his hand and trailed it down my side and tried to get it in my panties and I smacked his hand away.

"No Ransom..." I said and he growled but agreed. As I was about to break even more rules in the private room there was a knock on the door.

"Lucky! Hour's up!" Big Mike yelled and I pushed Ransom off of me.

"I have to go back to work." I said and he grabbed my wrist pulling me back to his lap.

"Clover, leave this place. I don't care if you come home with me just leave. You don't need this." Ransom said.

"I'm happy here." I said as I put my robe on and Ransom put on his shirt.

"Damn it kitten." Ransom growled and I grabbed my wig. I quickly left the room and got out of his sight before he could follow me. 

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