18 - Trial Engagement

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***CLOVER POV***       

I woke up the next morning and noticed Ransom was behind me, his arm around me, hand resting on my stomach. I sighed at this knowing he wasn't going to let me stay here on the couch alone. I adjusted my eyes and looked at the coffee table and saw the black velvet box and I sighed. I sat up gently to not wake Ransom and grabbed the box. I sighed and opened the box to see an emerald cut diamond ring with diamonds going down the side. I gasped just looking at it. I took it from the box and put it on my finger noticing it was a perfect fit. I held my hand out at arm's length to look at the ring on my hand.

 I held my hand out at arm's length to look at the ring on my hand

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"It looks perfect kitten." Ransom said and from behind me making me slightly jump. I turned to look at him and gave a small smile.

"I told you I didn't want to be engaged just because I was pregnant Ransom." I said and he sighed. He shook his head and grabbed my hand with the ring on it and kissed my ring finger.

"Clo, I want to marry you, have wanted to marry you since I was 10."

"You asked me to marry you at 10..."

"I did and you punched me in the stomach and ran away." Ransom said and we both laughed. "You're not going to punch me again if I ask you are you?" Ransom asked and I shook my head.

"But you don't have to ask again...not yet any way." I said and Ransom sighed thinking I was turning him down.

"What are you thinking Clo?" Ransom asked.

"I will wear the ring and it will be a trial run engagement." I said and Ransom looked at me confused.

"A trail run engagement. Please explain this to me." Ransom said and I smiled at him.

"Ransom, I need to know you are serious about us, about this, about everything. Which is why I'm making a trial run engagement and I need you to do something for me." I said and Ransom smiled.

"Anything, I will do anything." Ransom said and I smiled.

"Anything?" I verified.

"Yes! Damnit Clover what do you want?!" Ransom asked and I giggled.

"Okay well I hope that damnit was worth it because starting now Ransom no cussing or drinking any alcohol for two weeks." I said and Ransom looked at me in slight shock.

"You can't be serious..." Ransom said and I sighed.

"I am serious. I mean if you don't think you can do it..." I said and went to take the ring off and Ransom stopped me.

"No way Clover. You leave that ring on. I accept this challenge." Ransom said and I smiled at him. I leaned in and passionately kissed him.

"Then as of right now Ransom, yes I accept your proposal." I said and he smiled and passionately kissed me again. He laid me down on the couch and hovered over me smiling.

"So two weeks, no drinking, no cussing...shouldn't be too hard." Ransom said and I laughed. Ransom leaned down and started kissing my neck and I moaned.

"Ransom, I love you and I want to celebrate with you but me and the baby are hungry." I said and Ransom laughed getting up. He then helped me sit up and he got up.

"Omelets?" Ransom asked and I nodded.

"Please..." I said and he leaned down and kissed me as he stood up. Ransom walked into the kitchen, I covered back up, kitten climbed on my lap and I smiled.

"Think dad can past my test?" I whispered to Ransom and she meowed. I just chuckled.

🧩 🧩 🧩

Ransom and I walked into the Blood Like Wine offices, Ransom had a meeting with Harlan. I didn't want to be left at home and wanted to get out so Ransom told me to go with him, Harlan wouldn't mind. We walked into his office hand in hand and Harlan smiled seeing me.

"You look lovely Clover." Harlan said as I hugged him. Ransom shook his hand and then Harlan noticed my left hand.

"You two have some news to share?" Harlan asked and I smiled.

"Well...kind of." Ransom said and Harlan smiled. He reached into his drawer, grabbing a decanter of whiskey and 2 glasses.

"Well time for a toast." Harlan said and I looked at Ransom.

"Actually I can't have that..." Ransom said and I smiled and Harlon looked confused.

"Am I missing something here?" Harlan asked.

"You are. See this engagement is a trial engagement..." I said and Harlan looked confused.


"Okay well for two weeks Ransom can not cuss, nor can he have any alcohol. He wants to be serious about me, a marriage and our family he will do these 2 things for me." I said and Harlan smiled and put the decanter away.

"Well I think that is the best thing for you Ransom, make you grow up." Harlan said and Ransom groaned.

"With all due respect Harlan, I think Ransom has grown up a lot. Ever since Ransom found me again, he has grown up and been the best thing to come back into my life." I said and Ransom smiled.

"Where did you two meet up again anyway?" Harlan asked. Neither of us said anything but looked at each other.

"Um...I don't think I really remember." I said and Ransom nodded.

"So it wasn't at the strip club you were working at?" Harlan asked and I gasped slightly.

"Harlan...how do you...when did you...what?!" I asked confused.

"Clover...it's okay. You think after you and Ransom broke up the first time I didn't have someone keeping tabs on you for your safety, to make sure you were always well taken care of and okay? I knew you were hurting, like Ransom was and had been until you came back. When I found out you were doing what you were doing I knew I couldn't stop you and you seemed to be happy finally." Harlan said and I looked at him.

"You never saw me perform right?" I asked.

"No sweetie, Ransom is the only one who ever saw you, which wasn't by accident." Harlan said and looked at Ransom.

"What do you mean?" Ransom asked.

"That night, I knew you and your friends were going out and I called your one friend and suggested where for you guys to go. I knew it was time." Harlan said and I just looked at Ransom and sighed.

"Does anyone else in the family know? You didn't tell anyone right?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No one else. This is your secret, this is your life. Did you ever wonder you never got medical bills from your visit to the hospital after the assault?" Harlan said and I sighed.

"You paid those?" Ransom asked and Harlan nodded.

"Of course I did." Harlan said and I sighed. "Your secret will always be safe with me, I just need to know you are done for good even after the baby." Harlan said and I nodded.

"She is done, trust me. She does have an idea though..."

"Can't wait to hear it." Harlan said.

"Later, you two have your meeting. I think I will go to the baby boutique down the street." I said and Ransom nodded. He leaned in giving me a small kiss.

"Keep him in line Harlan." I said and Harlan nodded.

"You know I will." Harlan said as I walked out of his office. I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders for some reason. Harlan knew what I did before all of this, Ransom knew but that part of my life was over, time to start something new.

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