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(985 words)

I might just stick with third person because I'm not good with first and second and also Kuwei will be mentioned in this chapter :)

I had to do a bit of editing after I published this chapter. sorry in advance :)


Jesper sat on his bed, quietly waiting for at least one of his friends to message him in the Group chat he has just made. He was getting quite impatient waiting, so he turned off his phone and just laid in bed, in the darkness, staring at the shadowy ceiling above him.

Jesper softly placed his right arm on top of his face, covering his eyes. He sighed at the lonely, quietness of his dorm room. Regularly this happens, but Jesper was so used to it that he never made it much of a deal until now. making group chats with his only friends. Jesper's eyes started to get slightly heavy. Was he falling asleep? probably.

Once his eye was fully closed, he felt a buzz in between his palm. Finally, he thought. Quickly sitting up to see it was Nina who was the first to message in this anonymous, little, friendly group chat Jesper has made. He pressed into the messages to see what Nina had to say.


"I guess we do" -J

"OMG @InejGhafa @KazBrekker & @Matthias" (had to do just Matthias because it was an actual user ;-;)

Jesper wasn't mad that Nina @ everyone it was just, will everyone else be mad? probably just Kaz.

"Oh hello" -M

"Hello, my Matty boo boo bear<3" -N

"Saints, help me STOP!" -J

Inej and Kaz are now online.

"You stop" -N

"Stop what? :(" -J

"Being so jealous" -N

"Why would I be jealous of your weird relationship??!?!?"

"I wouldn't say it's weird :)" -M

"Matty, It's not you it's Nina" -M

"No, it's just you being the only single person here" -N

Jesper looked at the screen with no emotions at all.

The only single person here? so Inej and Kaz? No. I doubt that Kaz would ever date in his life. Yes, he may like Inej but she's smart. and Kaz would put his money first, before anything. Even Inej. Not many people would know but, Nina, Inej, Kaz, and Jesper have a little... Business, where they steal very rare, expensive things to sell.

"He isn't?" -I

"Oh, c'mon Inej, I know that you and Kazzle Dazzle have your moments" -N

"What moments?" -I

"That's enough, Nina, you're being childish" -K

"You don't have to be harsh" -I

"YEAH >:D " -N

"I guess I am the only single one here" -J

"Just ask Kuwei out, it's SOOO obvious that he likes you ;)" -N

Kuwei Yul-Bo. what does Jesper have to say about Kuwei?

(Jesper's Pov)

Well, he's a nice guy, with good looks and very smart with science. But, he was too touchy and was always trying to be all nice to me and I found it weird. Kuwei just wasn't my type, I guess. I do feel kind of bad about his dad though. Must have been hard. (If you don't know, his dad died in a crossfire... looked it up)

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