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I've always wondered what it's like to fall inlove with someone- that's in inlove with you too.

Sure, I've fallen inlove before, but it was a one sided love. Though, I found it hard for me to say those three simple words.

I've always wanted to know how it feels for someone to cherish you the way you cherish them.

Once in primary, there had been rumors that a popular boy, liked me, which just so happens to be my crush.

But as they say rumors are just rumors.

He was a popular boy, so, of course he knew how to make other girls think that he was actually inlove with them.

After that incident, I'm trying my best to avoid those feelings for another popular guy.

But hey! Cupid hates me. So here I am, crushing on yet, another popular guy.

I just hope that those would go away eventually, but no, they got stronger each time we talk to each other.


The bell rang, showing that it was finally time to go home.

Thank god, I thought this day will never end.

I packed up my things and quickly hurried to my locker.

I began to take some stuff from my locker when I realised there was a note, wait- a love letter.

I didn't think that me of all people would've receive a love letter from someone.

Before I could open it, someone had slung their arm over my shoulder.

"Y- Yua?! I thought you already left!"I yelled.

"I was worried for you! But seeing that note... I'll just go home with Adam today! Have fun!"She quickly left.

I stood there, dumbfounded. I then realised I still needed to open the love letter someone had given me.

With shaky hands, I slowly opened the letter;

Dear, (Y/n)

I can't believe I'm writing this, but I couldn't keep it in anymore, you've brighten my life ever since you entered it. It's been two years since you've appeared in my life, I know- this is probably creepy, but... I love you a whole lot. Nothing can change my mind. You may feel like you're not worth it, but I assure you, you are worth it. No matter how hard you try to argue, you won't change my mind. At first, I thought these feelings would go away if I held back. Well that obviously backfired, because.. you've been stuck in my head. You probably want to know who I am, but first, you need to come to the park just near the school at 8:00 p.m. I heard they were going to play the fireworks today! I'll be waiting for you.

Your Secret Admirer.

I closed my envelope as I felt like I was going to explode.

I subconsciously looked at the watch on my wrist, and the time was;

6:29 p.m.! Fuck! I need to go home now!

I ran out the school doors to get home, to get ready for my so-called-date.

I barged to the door of my house and quickly got ready for tonight.

All Might/Young Toshinori × F!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now