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"Hey- guys! Mind if I borrow Akio real quick?"I asked.

They all look somehow shocked as Akio quickly rushes to me. "What is it that you needed, (Y/n)?"

"Not here! I need to talk to you in private."I glanced at Toshinori who was looking outside the window.

When I said that, the group of boys seemed to be more shocked. "What is up with you guys.?"I sweat dropped at their reactions.

I quickly pulled Akio's hand and went outside of the classroom."What was that about?!"Akio worryingly said.

"What 'was' about? Listen- I need your help for tomorrow."I started.

"Ohhhh- Just some advice right?"He looks at me a relieved smile. "Yeah..? What did you think it was?"

"Nothing! Anyways what do you need for advice?"The male teased.

"Well, do you perhaps know Yagi's favourite type of chocolate?"I fidget shyly.

His face seems to light up at that. "Of course! I'm his best friend after all!"Akio proudly says.

"Well, he likes..."


"What was that about?"Riku asks.

"Oh- Nothing!"Akio looks to the male who seems 'unbothered' by the previous event.

His crush, whose face was deep red pulled his best friend to somewhere private.

"Tomorrow's Valentine's day, right?"Souta looks at Akio who was nodding mischievously.

"There's no way she's going to confess to you.!"Kei felt troubled by the idea of her confessing to someone as Akio.

"What- no."Akio bitterly says.

'Yes, my plan is working smoothly.'He smirked.

"What's with that look on your face.?"Yagi starts with a cold look on his face.

"Nothing- You should go home, Yagi. It's already evening."

Yagi looks at the others before he sighs and left.


"NO! I told you! She asked for Yagi, not me!"Akio defended himself.

"...So she was embarrassed to talk to him, so she talked to you instead?"Ryou glued the pieced together.

"Why, yes."Akio nodded as he acted like he was deep in thought.


"I think this is enough.."I uttered as I look at the leftovers of the chocolate. "I can just eat the leftovers."

I made sure to decorate them nicely before I put them in the fridge.

"Hmm... I think that (f/c) box is giving it off. Should I change it? But I already bought it! Or should I use a blue box instead- or yellow? Agh!!! This is so stressful!"I rambled to myself.

'It's my first time doing this sort of stuff on Valentine's day.. I'm not really experienced in stuff like this-'A high pitched ring pulled me out of my thoughts.

I grabbed my phone to see the caller ID which was Fumi. 'Fumi? This is rare, she never calls first.. I wonder what's going on.'I swiped on the green icon before putting the phone next to my ear.


"Uh.. Hello, (Y/n). I kind of need some help.."Her voice was shaky and timid.

"Are you okay?! Is a villain holding you hostage?! Don't worry! I'll get there soon-"

All Might/Young Toshinori × F!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now