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"Hmmm... I still need to get the sheets."I continued walking around the mall.

'What was the brand again?'Looking around, I noticed the store mom always went. "I think this it.."

I quickly went inside the store.

"Do you still have the soft sheets?" I asked the female worker who was organizing the beddings.

"Yes we do! If you just walk straight down from this aisle, then you turn right."She told me. "Okay, thank you."I smiled which she gladly returned.


"I think that's all..? Hopefully that's all."I mumbled before my stomach grumbled.

'I'm hungry, should I go to a restaurant?'Before I went off to the food court, I felt a vibration in my bag.

"Hmm? What is he doing calling me all of a sudden?"I swiped the green icon to answer.

"Hello? What's wrong?"I asked after picking up.

"Oh-- I just wanted to know where are you right now?"I was a bit surprised by his sudden question.

"I'm at the mall, running errands for my parents."

"In front of the bed store?"Toshinori asks. 'How did he know?'

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I'm also in the mall right now."

"..."I didn't know how to respond to that.

"I thought I saw someone who looked like you, just wanted to double check if that's was you."He said with a gentle voice.

"Besides, I'm just a few meters behind you."With that said, I turned around quickly to see him standing behind me. 

"Oh, h- hello there."I stuttered. 'Why the fuck are you stuttering, (Y/n)?!'

"W-well, I kinda need your help with something.."

"Tomorrow is White's Day right?"He continued.

"Yeah.."'I already see where this is going...'

"Can you help me pick out a gift for.. you know.."His face reddens. "Why me though?"

"..Well, she's.. kinda like you.. to simply put it."'I see how it is... As long as he's happy, I'm happy.'

"Oh... Well, what does she like then?"I looked away, thinking of places that would sell those kind of stuff.

"She always read books when she has the free time, so I think she likes books."The blond male rubbed his nape.

"Hmmm.. I know just the place!"I smiled.


"We're here!"I exclaim with enthusiasm.

As we went inside, I saw him fidgeting which was quite unusual for the likes of him.

I looked around the bookstore, many variations of genres that I like.'Might as well heal my broken heart here.'

Little did I know, Toshinori was quietly observing me.

'They released the new book already?! I need to buy this! But I already spent it on errands though, and my purse is at home... 'I deadpanned.

' I hope they still have it after a few weeks... 'I continued.'I think it' a better to just stay outside than looking at stuff I can't get now.'

"I' ll wait outside, okay?"Was all I said before waiting outside, pulling out my phone to kill some time.

After a few minutes, I saw him exit the bookstore with a paper bag in his hand.

"Do you need anything else?"He thought for a moment."There's still one more place I need to go."


"Woah~ The ribbons here are all so pretty!"I whispered to myself.

" I'm done."He appears before me."Already?"

"Yup."Toshinori looks away, the point of his ears red.

'What's up with him..?'

"Anyways, since you helped me pick out some gifts for her, how about I treat you to a café downstairs?"He smiles at me.

"There's really no need for that.!"I denied the offer although I was quite hungry.

" No! I insist!"

"..."I only looked at his sparkling eyes for a moment before giving in.

"..Fine, you win."I saw him secretly punched the air with excitement which made me smile.


'I didn't expect to receive that many gifts though..'I thought before reminiscing.

"(Y/n)! Are you ready for today?"I saw Charlotte approaching me.

"For what?"

"Today's White's Day, are you ready for your locker to be filled with confession letters?!"The girl cheerfully said.

".. As if. I don't even know if I'm going to get any."I scratched my cheek.

"You're very popular! There's no doubt that you will get many gifts! Try opening your locker, then."Charlotte smirked.

I only looked at her with doubt before opening my locker."See?! "I stared at my locker.

I was a bit taken aback by the amount of envelopes and gifts that I saw."W-what is this..?" I managed to let out. "Your greatness!" Charlotte squealed.

Thankfully, I was able to fit all of those stuff in my bag.

"Sheesh, seems like someone's quite the heartthrob here!"Akio teased me.

"Shut up, Akio."My face was turning redder and redder.

He only chuckled in response before going back to his seat.

Even so, in all of those gifts and letters, there was one that stood out to me the most.

My favourite book and a (f/c) ribbon.

I've been eyeing that book for some time now but I haven't been able to buy it. Still, not many people know my favourite books. Not even Yua and Fumi.

There was someone in particular who I went shopping with yesterday, he probably saw me looking at that book. That was also probably why he went to the ribbon store.

I don't want to overthink it, but I think it's Toshinori who gave the book and the ribbon.

'Agh, but what do I know? It could've been someone else...'


I wonder if she likes the gift I got. I hope she does, she really did look at that book for quite some time yesterday..

My thoughts were interrupted when she came in. She wore the same hairstyle as she would every other day but she was wearing  a (f/c) ribbon.

'Wait, is that the ribbon I got her? It kinda looks like it..'

She looks so pretty with it.. I'm glad I chose the right colour..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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