He Turns Into A Child

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"Kyaaa! He's so cute!"

"Woah, he's so small.."

"Yeah, he's quite big as a teen, so it's kinda a surprise to see him like this..."

"I just want to squish those little chubby cheeks of his!"

I walked into the classroom as I heard chattering.

I soon realised that, almost everyone was gathering around Toshi's desk.

"Hey, what's going on?" I said after walking up to them.

My eyes slightly widened as the scene unfolds in front of me.

A younger Toshi. He looked around until he laid his eyes on me, he quickly jumped and clinged onto me.

I pat his head as he looked at me. He looked like he was about to cry!

"Um, guys..? Don't you think you're kinda scaring him?" I reasoned as I looked up from him to my classmates.

"Oops! Sorry, we didn't think of that..!" Kyoto apologised as she clasped her hands together.

"Also, what really happened here?" I gently carried Toshi in my arms.

"Well.. We were walking to school, when all of a sudden, there was a villain snatching a woman's purse." Akio started to explain.

"And as you know, Yagi's a bit.. reckless... So, he went to take the purse back from the villain but the villain used his quirk on him."

"Thankfully, he was caught. He told us the effects lasts for a day. Tomorrow, he will be back to normal!" Akio laughed as he ended his story.

"Did you tell Sensei about this?" I asked.

"Yup! But she said, that you'll be the one in charge of him."Akio teased as he winked.

"I can't just-"

"Yes, you can."

"My mom's gonna kill me if I brought home a kid!" I tried reasoning with him.

"Not my problem."He says with a smug look on his face.

"You little-"


'Thank goodness class is over..'

"I'm sorry you had to see that, small Toshi."I said as I held his small hand.

We were currently sitting on a bench. He quickly nibbled on his ice cream that I bought for him, a few moments ago.

I secretly observed him, if I'm not mistaken, he looks like he would be around four to five years old.

"Well, seems like I have to take care of you today."I smiled at him.

He looked at me as he smiled brightly. 'Ah... Is it just me or is his smile that blinding no matter what age he is.?'

"I'll have to explain to my mom about this.."I pulled out my phone to see any messages.

I won't be home until tomorrow night, I have a trip to go to. Take care of your self!
Seen 16:27

'Talk about great timing.'I smirked to myself.

Ok! See you soon!
Seen 17:53

"Then, little Toshi, let's go to my house! Well, this is going to be awkward..."

"Otay.."He uttered.

'SO CUTEEE!'I mentally cried at his cuteness.

All Might/Young Toshinori × F!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now